
Film Activities

Folder: Technical, Ham Radio, Photography Etc from 2006

12 Sep 2011

199 visits


Pinhole lens 4 sec. on Minolta SRT100. Kodak 400Max 1.5 yrs out of date. Compare this with www.ipernity.com/doc/grahamh/24038661 to see that the field of view is very close to the Rokkor 58mm/f1.4 lens The pinhole was made by gluing a piece of the aluminium seal from a can of chocolate drink powder across an MC extension tube. A sewing pin was used to make the hole. The photo was commercially scanned.

12 Sep 2011

118 visits


Pinhole lens 1/4 sec. on Minolta SRT100. Kodak 400Max 1.5 yrs out of date.

12 Sep 2011

155 visits


Pinhole lens 1sec. on Minolta SRT100. Kodak 400Max 1.5 yrs out of date.

12 Sep 2011

168 visits


Reference shot, 58mm f1.4 Rokkor on Minolta SRT100. Kodak 400Max 1.5 yrs out of date.

12 Sep 2011

160 visits


Pinhole lens 6 sec. on Minolta SRT100. Kodak 400Max 1.5 yrs out of date.

12 Sep 2011

167 visits


Pinhole lens 6 sec. wide angle mode, on Minolta SRT100. Kodak 400Max 1.5 yrs out of date.