Old Gold0006

Old Gold

Folder: General 2000 and Earlier.

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24 Sep 2011

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Old Gold0006

My first employer, early 1966 to mid 1969. I delivered parcels for him by bicycle after school all round Wahroonga and parts of adjoining Sydney suburbs. This helped fund my railway adventures for a few years. Mostyn Carr, Redleaf Pharmacy, 1 Redleaf Ave Wahroonga NSW Australia, 1967. When the business closed the premises became a hot takeaway food shop. It was still that when I was last there in 2005.

24 Sep 2011

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247 visits

Old Gold0003 Mt Kosciusko

Once upon a time a long time ago one could drive to the top of Mt Kosciusko to post one's letters. These days you can't drive there, can't post letters there or even spell it correctly. It seems some PC public servant thinks it should be spelt Mount Kosciuszko. January 1967. See www.flickr.com/photos/76580860@N02/14815059872 and www.flickr.com/photos/76580860@N02/14635268227

24 Sep 2011


221 visits

Old Gold0001

Seen at Granville railway station, NSW Australia in 1972. 20 000 people less so we now have enough houses for the remaining population, apparently.