Jersey 013 Korreo

M-S Gas Pipe Comms

Folder: Technical, Ham Radio, Photography Etc from 2006
Sites and gear along the Moomba - Sydney natural gas pipleine.

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02 Jan 2002

148 visits

Jersey 013 Korreo

The tower and yellow hut were provided for a microwave link for monitoring and control, and two-way comms, for a natural gas pipeline in the 1970s. The green hut was provided for mobile phone comms in the late 1990s, originally with CDMA and now Telstra's 3G system. The pipeline's comms are now done by satellite using the white huts. January 2007.

02 Jan 2002

138 visits

Jersey 014 Korreo General view of Korreo site, Moomba to the left and Sydney to the right. January 2007.

02 Jan 2002

101 visits

Jersey 015 Korreo

02 Jan 2002

144 visits

Jersey 016 Korreo

02 Jan 2002

109 visits

Jersey 017 Korreo

02 Jan 2002

103 visits

Jersey 018 Korreo

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13 Oct 2007

158 visits

Jersey 078b The Cottage TPA NCR 020307 068 (Medium)

The Cottage, a radiocommunication site SW of Cobar NSW. The mobile phone gear is in the green hut and the now redundant pipeline comms gear is in the yellow hut. Latitude -31 57 05 Longitude 145 07 31

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13 Oct 2007

152 visits

Jersey 078a The Cottage RT NCR 250207 065 (Medium)

The Cottage, a radiocommunication site SW of Cobar NSW. In February 2023 the yellow pipeline comms hut seems to have been removed in satellite images. Latitude -31 57 05 Longitude 145 07 31

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13 Oct 2007

144 visits

Jersey 078c The Cottage TPA NCR 020307 069 (Medium)

The Cottage, a radiocommunication site for the Moomba - Sydney gas pipeline, SW of Cobar NSW. The original pipeline comms has been replaced by satellite comms in the beige hut with the dish. These pipeline sites are used by Telstra to locate mobile phone basestations in some remote areas. Latitude -31 57 05 Longitude 145 07 31
16 items in total