Graf Geo's favorite photos

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By Hubs 56

36 favorites


By Léopold

6 favorites

Funerary garden in Malaysia / Jardin funéraire à saveur malaisienne

Besut, Terengganu, Malaisie.

By William Sutherland

103 favorites

World Photography Day 2024: 1966 Chevrolet Impala SS

Mamaroneck, NY

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By Diane Putnam

9 favorites

King Dog

My pal, the very sweet and funny Clyde. Being a mutt, he has a very well-rounded and balanced personality. Also, the comedian of the pack. In the background is Mt. Shasta, a dormant volcano in far northern California. Because much of the terrain surrounmding it is flat, it is visible over a wide area or northern California and southern Oregon. I am lucky to see it just about everywhere I go..

By Diane Putnam

12 favorites

Hip & Knee Replacement

No thank you! Cascades East Medical Clinic, Klamath Falls, Oregon.

By Diane Putnam

12 favorites


By Diane Putnam

23 favorites

Maasai neckpieces

There are three hung together here. Maasai (and the related Fulani) women wear them in multiples, sometimes piled up to their chins. When they dance they lift their shoulders up to make the stiff beaded necklaces bounce up and down. The strings of beads in the middle are about three feet (.91m) long. Bought in Kenya from Maasai ladies sitting on a sidewalik near City Market. Nairobi, 1989. I had assumed they would be open to price negotiation like the other market ladies. I was mistaken. Thoroughly humbled, I bought several ornaments from the ladies. The prices were more than fair, considering they made everything themselves and traveled from the Maasai Mara into the city. I went to Kenya twice. Once in 1987, again in 1989. During the first trip, I also went to Senegal - which felt oddly familiar to me. The people were entirely unlike the very quiet and modest Kenyans. When I got home, I thought about it a lot and I think I solved the puzzle: the people were amazingly like Black Americans that I've known. Extraverted personalities, flamboyant and imaculate dress, the confident way they carried themselves, their humor, loud voices, even their perfume. This made sense, considering Black Americans were originally West Africans. It was my goal to return to Senegal again, but life (and finances) got in the way and I was never able to. Now, I visit both countries often on Google Street View. ;-)

By Little Nightwitch

28 favorites

Das Spiel von Feuer und Wasser

Eine der letzten ihrer Art in Deutschland: Kokerei Prosper Haniel in Bottrop. Zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme bezog die Kokerei die Kohle aus dem in unmittelbarer Nähe liegenden Bergwerk Proper Haniel, das als letztes deutsches Bergwerk zum Ende 2018 geschlossen wurde. Woher die Kohle nun bezogen wird, entzieht sich meinem Wissen Die Aufnahme entstand von der Halde Beckstraße, die den Tetraderauf ihrem Rücken trägt PiP 1 erklärt sich von alleine PiP 2 ist von der Halde Schurenbach in Gelsenkirchen gemacht, so ziemlich von der anderen Seite ;-) Dieses Bild hatte ich einst 2017 hoch geladen, bitte nicht wundern, falls es irgendwie bekannt vorkommt...

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By Gudrun

56 favorites

Estancia Lazo

Laguna Verde and Monte Almirante Nieto (2640m) seen from Estancia Lazo. I needed a bit of fresh air in the current heat;-) HFF and a have a good weekend!
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