Nose is a Nose is a Nose

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11 May 2002

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Crows are Artists too!

A B&W reproduction of my photo you find on page 211 in Josef H. Reichholf's book " Rabenschwarze Intelligenz: Was wir von Krähen lernen können " (Crow black intelligence: What we can learn from crows), March 2011 I took this photo of a crow's nest fallen down from a tree in 2002 in a suburb of Tokyo (Higashi-Yukigaya). Nearby was a dry clean where the bird probably found ample supply of exiting avantgarde construction elements. But I do not know, whether a storm brought the nest down or whether the bird only was experimenting not too successfully with futuristic designs for courtship.

19 Nov 2011

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Here you see a page from Josef H. Reichholf's book "Rabenschwarze Intelligenz: Was wir von Krähen lernen können" (Crow black intelligence: What we can learn from crows), March 2011 The author used the photo with my consent.

09 Aug 2013

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Cartoons, 1981

Until 1982, I worked as a journalist for a weekly magazine for the electronics industry. I was in charge of the section for electronic measurement equipment and also made some cartoons for the magazine. [top]: Optical waveguide application: Optical fiber lights [middle left]: Working at a terminal [middle right]: Customized terminal design [bottom]: Allocation time! Distribution of scarce electronic components Technique: Fiber pen on paper, copy with photo offset camera (today you would use scans), manual post processing of the offset film for the shading. I recently found that film when cleaning up my garage.

16 Feb 2018

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Nose is a Nose is a Nose

Knight Letter (ISSN 0193-886X) of the LCSNA (Lewis Carroll Society of North America), Fall 2017, № 99 Details:

27 Oct 2018

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Burning the Baker

Knight Letter (ISSN 0193-886X) of the LCSNA (Lewis Carroll Society of North America), Spring 2018, № 100 Details: