John's photos

68006 through Floriston Crossing

29 Sep 2014 2 479
No. 68006 Southbound @ Floriston crossing on 29th. September 2014 @14.24 using head code 5Z68

60009 Demonised @ Cove Crossing

27 Sep 2014 6 1 635
I was messing around on photoshop, and was surprised at how this looked compared with the original, looks like the old lady has attitude now!

60009 Through Annan Station

27 Sep 2014 4 1 771
Union of South Africa Southbound at speed on 27th. October @ 16.38 under 1Z75 on Scottish Lowlander tour passes 2L10 (156501) as it leaves for Dumfries

60009 @ Cove Crossing d

27 Sep 2014 2 676
Union of South Africa Northbound on 27th. October @ 10.37 under 1Z75 on Scottish Lowlander tour

60009 @ Cove Crossing a

27 Sep 2014 3 530
Union of South Africa Northbound on 27th. October @ 10.37 under 1Z75 on Scottish Lowlander tour

60009 @ Cove Crossing c

27 Sep 2014 1 550
Union of South Africa Northbound on 27th. October @ 10.37 under 1Z75 on Scottish Lowlander tour

60009 @ Cove Crossing b

27 Sep 2014 1 658
Union of South Africa Northbound on 27th. October @ 10.37 under 1Z75 on Scottish Lowlander tour

Union of South Africa 60009 at Cove Crossing

27 Sep 2014 383
Union of South Africa Northbound at Cove Crossing on Saturday 27th. September 10.37 hours listed as 1Z75 on Scottish Lowlander tour

Welly dog

24 May 2007 2 4 412
I found this outside a scrap yard near Carlisle made out of wellington boots, somebody had gone to the trouble of making it, how could I not take a picture. I'm still unsure of the breed it is meant to be!!

Sir James Fireless Steam Loco front

08 Sep 2014 8 6 929
The Sir James now located at the Devil's Porridge Museum in Eastriggs, Dumfriesshire. Built in 1917 by Andrew Barclays for the Munitions Factory at Gretna

Sir James Fireless Steam Loco rear

08 Sep 2014 1 785
The Sir James now located at the Devil's Porridge Museum in Eastriggs, Dumfriesshire Built in 1917 by Andrew Barclays for the Munitions Factory at Gretna

me on auto test whitesands 1976 01

me on auto test 1976 whitesands 02

Buddy For A Day

05 Jul 2014 4 3 277
We Looked After A Friend's Dog Called Buddy While They Were Away For A Day. Glad We Did!

Our Jinny Looking A Bit Annoyed

66596 Passing Under M74 South Of Gretna

04 Mar 2014 1 462
Hauling Empty Coal Wagons Northbound

Class 350 Heading North South Of Gretna Junction

04 Mar 2014 356
Pulling Away Having Slowed For Network Rail Workers On The Line

Class 450 South Bound Near Gretna

99 items in total

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