
50-Image Project: Manikin

Folder: Manikin

The group-theme : "Showing a concrete object of your choice in 50 different Images:
50 perspectives, 50 views, 1 object."
My choice is: Manikin the wooden lay figure


13 Feb 2016 51 26 1118
The 50 Images-Project: Gliederpuppe aus Holz Manikin


14 Feb 2016 30 22 803
The 50 Images-Project: Gliederpuppe aus Holz Manikin


13 Feb 2016 46 22 1113
50-Picture-Project: Manikin / Glieder-Puppe/ lay figure


24 Feb 2016 28 22 742
50-Picture-Project: Manikin


24 Feb 2016 30 19 907
50-Picture-Project: Manikin PLEASE ON BLACK!

07/50 First Northcape Tourism

02 Mar 2016 25 22 758
Discovering of miniatures in a showcase in the North Cape House 50-Picture-Project: Manikin PLEASE ON BLACK!

08/50 North Cape Arcing

02 Mar 2016 57 34 1156
50-Picture-Project: Manikin PLEASE ON BLACK! North Cape


24 Feb 2016 37 23 795
09/50-Picture-Project: Manikin PLEASE ON BLACK!


24 Feb 2016 33 21 1108
10/50-Picture-Project: Manikin PLEASE ON BLACK!


13 Feb 2016 34 23 855
50-Picture-Project: Manikin PLEASE ON BLACK!

13/50 (PiP)

18 Mar 2016 7 7 787
SOURICETTE AND MANIKIN ARE MEETING ON THE WINDOW SILL Ghislaine and I are participating in the 50-Image-Project-Group: www.ipernity.com/group/2041072 with the figures Souricette and Manikin. Once contacted Souricette of Ghislaine my Manikin in a very difficult situation: www.ipernity.com/doc/lephothomathon/41333446 Both survived. That's why Ghislaine and I contacted happily and wished a better meeting of both. Now Manikin and Souricette arranged it on this window sill.....

13a/50 (PiP)

18 Mar 2016 23 18 832
SOURICETTE AND MANIKIN ARE MEETING ON THE WINDOW SILL Ghislaine and I are participating in the 50-Image-Project-Group: www.ipernity.com/group/2041072 with the figures Souricette and Manikin. Once contacted Souricette of Ghislaine my Manikin in a very difficult situation: www.ipernity.com/doc/lephothomathon/41333446 Both survived. That's why Ghislaine and I contacted happily and wished a better meeting of both. Now Manikin and Souricette arranged it on this window sill.....


25 Mar 2016 28 15 871
PLEASE ON BLACK! Ulrich John and I are participating in the 50-Image-Project-Group: www.ipernity.com/group/2041072 with the figures "egg" and "Manikin". I am not sure if this picture shows the egg of Ulrich in it's easter dress. But I know that it was painted in Ukraine and found and sheltered by Manikin in Poland . Season's greetings!


25 Feb 2016 24 19 700
50-Picture-Project: Manikin


25 Feb 2016 43 31 841
1. 50-Picture-Project: Manikin 2. Macro Mondays 2.0 6.11.2017 Thema: "High Key" Leider wieder ein Bild aus dem Archiv, kann z. Zt kein neues hochladen.


08 Apr 2016 37 16 651
50-Picture-Project: Manikin

57 items in total