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MONACO: Visite de la Principauté 08
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Camera: Apple iPhone XR
Exposure:0.0007 sec. (1/1427)
Focal Length:4.2 mm (35 mm equivalent: 26.0 mm)
Flash:No Flash
Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:2048 x 759 pixels
Original Date:2020:07:14 10:08:49.253
Digitized Date:2020:07:14 10:08:49+02:00
Created on:2020:07:14 10:08:49.253
Modified on:2020:07:14 10:08:49
Software:Adobe Photoshop Elements 18.0 (Windows)
Authors PositionMr
Brightness Value9.655602306
Caption WriterGilles PRETET
Circle Of Confusion0.005 mm
Color ModeRGB
Color SpaceUncalibrated
Components ConfigurationY, Cb, Cr, -
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Country CodeMC
CreatorGilles PRETET
CreditGilles PRETET
Custom RenderedUnknown (6)
Date Created20200714
Date/Time Created2020:07:14 09:41:52+00:00
Exif Version0231
Exposure Compensation0
Field Of View69.4 deg
Flashpix Version0100
Focal Length In 35mm Format26 mm
HeadlineMONACO: Visite de la Principauté 03
History Actionsaved, saved
History Changed/, /
History Instance IDxmp.iid:d37ae8e7-dba7-fa4e-8c3 8-a85fa18f98bd, xmp.iid:fb234f59-a0b4-cd47-8e1 4-c170b6d0f00a
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop Elements 18.0 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop Elements 18.0 (Windows)
History When2020:08:08 07:23:34+02:00, 2020:08:08 07:23:34+02:00
Hyperfocal Distance2.04 m
ICC Profile NameDisplay P3
Image Size2048x759
LensiPhone XR back camera 4.25mm f/1.8
Lens Info4.25mm f/1.8
Lens MakeApple
Lens ModeliPhone XR back camera 4.25mm f/1.8
Light Value14.2
Metadata Date2020:08:08 07:23:34+02:00
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Original Document ID76ED92DE536265E6C4D87F754D6A69 C8
Photometric InterpretationRGB
Resolution Unitinches
RightsGilles PRETET
Samples Per Pixel3
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent6.1
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
SourceGilles PRETET
Sub Sec Time Digitized253
Sub Sec Time Original253
Subjectgeo:lat=43.73103482, geo:lon=7.42100188, geotagged, MCO, Monaco, Monaco-Ville, principauté, ville, mer, musée
Thumbnail Offset1360
Time Zone Offset2
White BalanceAuto
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 4.4.0
Y Cb Cr PositioningCentered

GPS Information

GPS Altitude58 m Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude RefAbove Sea Level
GPS Date Stamp2020:07:14
GPS Date/Time2020:07:14 08:08:49Z
GPS Dest Bearing339.5012821
GPS Dest Bearing RefTrue North
GPS Horizontal Positioning Error13.88442553 m
GPS Img Direction339.5012821
GPS Img Direction RefTrue North
GPS Latitude43 deg 43' 51.73" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude7 deg 25' 15.61" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Map DatumWGS-84
GPS Position43 deg 43' 51.73" N, 7 deg 25' 15.61" E
GPS Speed0.05239450563
GPS Speed Refkm/h
GPS Time Stamp08:08:49
GPS Version ID2.2.0.0