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FREJUS: Cathédrale Saint Léonce.
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Camera: NIKON D90
Exposure:0.125 sec. (1/8)
Focal Length:16.0 mm
Original Date:2011:07:07 15:40:37
Digitized Date:2011:07:07 15:40:37+01:00
Created on:2011:07:07 15:40:37
Authors PositionGilles PRETET
Black Clip6.000000
Blending Point-6.0
Caption WriterGilles PRETET
CreatorGilles PRETET
CreditGilles PRETET
Date Created20110707
Date/Time Created2011:07:07 15:40:37
HeadlineFREJUS: Cathédrale Saint Léonce.
Image Size4282x2839
InstructionsClassée Monument Historique depuis 1862...C'est un bâtiment d'origine médiéval.
Light Value4.3
Midtones Adjustment2.0
RightsGilles PRETET
SourceGilles PRETET
Subjectfréjus, var, 83, 83600, paca, france, fr, fra, cathédrale, Saint Léonce, pierre, pierres, clocher, hdr, photomatix, 3 images, nikon, d90, 16/85 mm
Time Zone Offset1
White Clip6.000000
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 4.4.0

GPS Information

GPS Date Stamp2011:07:07
GPS Date/Time2011:07:07 15:40:37Z
GPS Latitude43 deg 25' 59.81" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude6 deg 44' 12.33" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Map DatumWGS-84
GPS Position43 deg 25' 59.81" N, 6 deg 44' 12.33" E
GPS Time Stamp15:40:37
GPS Version ID2.2.0.0