244/365 High Key Angus

2015/365 September

Folder: 365/2015

01 Sep 2015

5 favorites


275 visits

244/365 High Key Angus

"Did,you say biscuit?" Our West Highland White Terrier.

02 Sep 2015

180 visits

245/365 light

Noosa River

03 Sep 2015

1 comment

202 visits

246/365 my new shoes

New Balance

04 Sep 2015

2 favorites


160 visits

247/365 Spring Azaleas

1 September was the first day of Spring

05 Sep 2015

8 favorites


320 visits

248/365 Blue faced Honeyeater

They were very active in the park, on our morning walk. The Blue-faced Honeyeater is a large black, white and golden olive-green honeyeater with striking blue skin around the yellow to white eye. The crown, face and neck are black, with a narrow white band across the back of the neck. The upperparts and wings are a golden olive green, and the underparts are white, with a grey-black throat and upper breast. The blue facial skin is two-toned, with the lower half a brilliant cobalt blue. Juvenile birds are similar to the adults but the facial skin is yellow-green and the bib is a lighter grey. This honeyeater is noisy and gregarious, and is usually seen in pairs or small flocks. It is known as the Banana-bird in tropical areas, for its habit of feeding on banana fruit and flowers. birdsinbackyards.net/species/Entomyzon-cyanotis

06 Sep 2015

4 favorites


273 visits

249/365 Spring Hibiscus

50mm zero editing

07 Sep 2015

131 visits

250/365 Heart of Hibiscus

08 Sep 2015

4 favorites


232 visits

251/365 Bribie brunch

Bribie Island

09 Sep 2015

4 favorites


278 visits

252/365 Spring pink

31 items in total