213/365 Brown leaves

2015/365 August

Folder: 365/2015
One new photo taken each day for 365 in 2015

01 Aug 2015

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286 visits

213/365 Brown leaves

Wish I could remember the name of this plant :-) We had a 5.7 earthquake today, worst in a 100 years in South East Queensland. 100 kms due East of Fraser Island and 10 kms down. The whole house shook for less than a minute, TV and PCs visibly shaking. First time we have experienced an earthquake!

02 Aug 2015

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409 visits

214/365 three

Dice from Yahtzee... Object of the game – To roll different (five) dice combination and match them to the 13 categories on the score pad. Sometimes called Poker Dice. Yahtzee is a dice game made by Milton Bradley (now owned by Hasbro), which was first marketed as "Yatzie" by National Association Service of Toledo, Ohio in the early 1940s… It was marketed under the name of Yahtzee by game entrepreneur Edwin S. Lowe in 1956.

03 Aug 2015

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320 visits

215/365 Port Wine Magnolia

04 Aug 2015

14 favorites


475 visits

216/365 manmade bokeh

TSC Create bokeh artificially

05 Aug 2015

6 favorites


477 visits

217/365 Scarlet and Brown

50mm "Prime Lenses 0815"

06 Aug 2015

11 favorites


481 visits

218/365 Bay Sunset

Hervey Bay, Queensland

07 Aug 2015

3 favorites

184 visits

219/365 Relax

08 Aug 2015


239 visits

220/365 Nala

Fraser Coast Cultural Centre Local wood artists spent more than 400 hours carving almost 10 tonnes of local red ironbark timber to create Nala’s main body. Over 12 tonnes of marine grade stainless steel was used to form the frame and underbelly. The sculpture reaches almost 12 metres into the air. Humpback whales migrate from Antarctica to the sub-tropical coastal waters of western and eastern Australia and Fiji to give birth and mate during winter and spring. Each year at least 1200 humpbacks migrate 5000km to the eastern coast of Australia. Groups of whales or 'pods' start to arrive at the southern Great Barrier Reef in mid-June and in the following weeks they move further along the Great Barrier Reef concentrating in the southern Whitsundays area. On the southern migration back to Antarctic waters, a large proportion of the whales stop over for a few days in Hervey Bay. Most humpbacks will have left the Queensland coast by the beginning of November. discoverherveybay.com

09 Aug 2015

161 visits

221/365 Winter Colour

Queens Park, Maryborough, Queensland
33 items in total