C is for Crikey


Folder: Collections 2

18 Jan 2015

283 visits

C is for Crikey

An Australian exclamation of surprise or bewilderment. Interchangeable with words such as "Blimey" or "Struth". Appropriate for our weather at the moment, very hot and humid in South East Queensland :-) 18/365

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18 Jul 2013


270 visits

Z Boy

Artwork on a window at Noosa Library, Queensland The Alphabet Site Z

11 Oct 2014


449 visits

Australia Post

In 2009 Australia Post celebrated 200 years as Australia's oldest, continually operating organisation. 73 of the owned buildings are classified as heritage properties and are included in the Commonwealth Heritage List. These buildings date from the Colonial era, through post-Federation to post-WWII structures. auspost.com.au/about-us/history-and-heritage.html Tewantin, Queensland 11/31 Scarlet/Timberwolf Grey 12 Months in Colour

06 Mar 2015


403 visits

QWERTY Keyboard

The arrangement of characters on a QWERTY keyboard was designed in 1868 by Christopher Sholes, the inventor of the typewriter. According to popular myth, Sholes arranged the keys in their odd fashion to prevent jamming on mechanical typewriters by separating commonly used letter combinations. webopedia.com/TERM/Q/QWERTY_keyboard.html Shallow DoF 65/365 The Alphabet Site - Q

10 Jul 2014

1 favorite


342 visits

Jetty 17

On the Noosa River in Queensland, near Massouds Jetty which was established in 1927. Larger view in note on this image. Noosa River covers 784 square kilometres of catchment and its northern borders are protected by the Great Sandy National Park. The river begins in the Como Escarpment and meets Teewah Creek, then flows south across the Noosa Plain between Lakes Como and Cooloola before entering Lake Fig Tree and Lake Cootharaba with its popular camp grounds at Boreen Point and Elanda Point. The river continues to Lake Cooroibah and Lake Weyba before it meets the sea at Laguna Bay, just north of Noosa’s Main Beach.

19 Apr 2015

172 visits

109/365 Sheep World New Zealand

Photo of a photo taken in 1988

21 Apr 2015

183 visits

111/365 red logo

Car in for service today :-)

08 Apr 2015


261 visits

I'm OK You're OK

I'm OK, You're OK by Thomas Anthony Harris is one of the best selling self-help books ever published. It is a practical guide to Transactional Analysis as a method for solving problems in life. From its first publication during 1969, the popularity of I'm OK, You're OK gradually increased until, during 1972, its name made the New York Times Best Seller list and remained there for almost two years. It is estimated by the publisher to have sold over 15 million copies to date and to have been translated into over a dozen languages. Wikipedia Laser lemon/Razzmatazz for Colour of the Month April

09 Feb 2015

19 favorites


573 visits

Oh how I love you

Nights in White Satin 2000 Albert Hall www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsVnO8s7_e8 1967 Paris www.youtube.com/watch?v=9muzyOd4Lh8 TSC Pick your favourite song, or any song for that matter... and get a pic to 'match'. something that 'goes' with it. No need to put the lyrics ON the picture this time. That is up to you. EDIT: please post a link to your song, those with slow internet do not have to listen... or if you know the song, but there will be loads of us will want to check out your music!
22 items in total