
Flowers/Plants in Australia

Folder: Personal Favourites


12 Jan 2013 2 401
Bougainvillea, Queensland Archive Airings AA19 Bokehlicious

Orange Trumpet

18 Jul 2013 2 1 320
Orange Trumpet Creeper The orange trumpet creeper is a South American native which puts on a spectacular display of brilliant orange flowers from winter through to spring. Plant details Common name: Orange trumpet creeper, flame vine Botanic name: Pyrostegia venusta The genus name is from the Greek and refers to the colour of the flowers (pyro = flame and stege = covering). The species name 'venusta' means pleasing. Description A vigorous evergreen climber which supports itself by means of coiled, thread-like tendrils growing from the apex of some of the bright green compound leaves. Abundant, bold orange flowers are produced from about mid July until October. Wallace Park, Noosa, Queensland Archive Airings AA47 Flawless Flowers


22 Dec 2012 2 2 462
Archive Airings AA21 Patterns Noosa Hinterland, Queensland.

Azalea Indica 'Goyet'

16 Aug 2013 226
Noosa Hinterland, Queensland

Celosia Intenze

21 May 2013 2 2 337
Queensland Archive Airings AA47 Flawless Flowers


26 Aug 2013 4 4 544
Tropical Rhododendron Vireya 'Blaze of Glory' Noosa, Queensland. Archive Airings AA47 Flawless Flowers

Red Bokeh

01 Sep 2013 1 3 646
Cordyline Berries, Tewantin, Queensland. Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM, zero editing. Canon EOS 550D. Archive Airings AA19 Bokehlicious


08 Sep 2013 2 412
Noosa Hinterland, Queensland Archive Airings AA47 Flawless Flowers

Silky Oak

10 Oct 2013 1 1 395
Grevillea robusta, commonly known as the southern silky oak or Silky-oak, or Australian Silver-oak, is the largest species in the genus Grevillea. Our Silky Oak tree is now about 50 feet tall. Archive Airings AA19 Bokehlicious

View to Laguna Bay and Noosa

02 Nov 2013 2 2 364
Afternoon light. Noosa Hinterland, Queensland. Macro lens EFS 60mm, zero editing. Canon EOS 550D.

Spring Cluster

08 Oct 2013 1 286
Bougainvillea in our Backyard. Archive Airings AA62 Floral Fantasies

Staghorn Fern

20 Nov 2013 2 2 283
Eumundi, Queensland Canon EFS 60mm


21 Nov 2013 1 275
Noosa Hinterland, Queensland Canon EFS 60mm

Red Bird of Paradise

26 Dec 2013 463
Caesalpinia Pulcherrima, Queensland, Australia

Think Green

27 Jan 2014 1 326
Going by the curious name of Platycerium superbum, commonly known as the Stag Horn Fern, native to Australia. The fern is native to north-east New South Wales (north of Nabiac) and Queensland. It can also be found in parts of Malaysia. In propagated form, the plant is grown successfully as far south as Victoria. During the 1990s, the fern was also discovered on the Hawaiian Islands where they are now considered a "problem species". Tewantin, Queensland. HDR effect. 27/31 Dark Green, 365 Days in Colour. MDPD2014 27/365 114 pictures in 2014/16 Think Green

Staghorn Fern

27 Jan 2014 286
Going by the curious name of Platycerium superbum, native to Australia. The fern is native to north-east New South Wales (north of Nabiac) and Queensland. It can also be found in parts of Malaysia. In propagated form, the plant is grown successfully as far south as Victoria. During the 1990s, the fern was also discovered on the Hawaiian Islands where they are now considered a "problem species". Tewantin, Queensland.

Rain on Cordyline

13 Apr 2014 5 3 293
Tewantin, Queensland

Viola Duet

21 May 2014 2 3 414
Noosa, Queensland 21/31 Mauve May, 12 Months/365 Days in Colour

92 items in total