011/365 Harry

Dora, Bella and Harry

Folder: Current projects
Dora - natural bobtail black cat
Born 1 November 2016
Bella - cross West Highland White Terrier/Jack Russell = Jack Highland Terrier.
Born 6 July 2022
Harry - pure West Highland White Terrier.
Born 23 August 2024
Sire: Rollyhill Horatio Nelson
Dam: Shindarrah Substance

10 Jun 2018

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102 visits

le chat

Our cat Dora the Explorer, a natural bobtail. Her mother was a bobtail, but some of the other kittens had normal tails.

05 Oct 2020

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124 visits

279/366 Dora

...yes, Dora the Explorer again, in a relatively docile mood. Took this 5th October. Today is Wednesday 7th. We have just put up a cat net on our back deck as Dora has worked out how to jump over. On a trial run she nearly fell off the other side which is about 4-5 metres above the ground, very high. Dangerous, but she has had a taste of the great outdoors, and is desperate. We are concerned about the native birds, and about her... ticks, snakes, etc.

23 Nov 2022

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213 visits

Ciao Bella

Meet Bella, our latest family member. West Highland White Terriers have been part of our family since 1983. Ian was looking for a Westie online, when he found a photo of Bella and her two siblings. Bella was born 6th July 2022 in Glen Innes, New South Wales, Australia. She is a West Highland White x Jack Russell Terrier. This makes her a "Jack Highland Terrier". The traits of the breed are - cheerful, affectionate, and alert, full of energy, loyal to their pack of family members. They’re intelligent and can easily be trained. Independent, frisky and fun-loving. www.hepper.com/westie-jack-russell-mix She has settled in well, is very happy, and absolutely full of energy. She loves our cat Dora, and our Westie, Angus. Bella is a joy. 285. - 26.11.2022 A picture and your story

28 Feb 2023

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215 visits


295. - 04.03.2023 - a pet This is Bella, our Jack Highland Terrier. Scavenger Hunt 22 - Jack of Hearts

14 Apr 2023

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133 visits

Dora 2023

Dora the Explorer

06 May 2023

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112 visits


Jack Highland Terrier

19 Nov 2024

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86 visits

04 Harry

Car detail, driver's seat, VW Passat. Temporarily occupied by our latest family member, Harry, West Highland White Terrier puppy :-) Scavenger Hunt 04Scav2024 Car Second year Scavenger Hunt www.ipernity.com/group/2445860/discuss/197768

03 Jan 2025

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65 visits

003/365 Think

3/365 Have had this motto for many years, having worked for IBM through the 70s-90s. “THINK” was the slogan developed by Thomas Watson Sr. when he was a sales manager for the National Cash Register Company, exhorting his salesmen to use their heads, not their feet—their job was to think. As IBM CEO during the 1920s, Watson continued to encourage innovation and “THINK” became a ubiquitous slogan in IBM paraphernalia including notepads, advertising, products—even the title of the company magazine. By the 1950s, IBM sales staffs distributed “THINK" signs like this one to their customers. americanhistory.si.edu Scavenger Hunt 25Scav2024 Language Second year Scavenger Hunt www.ipernity.com/group/2445860/discuss/197768

11 Jan 2025

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87 visits

011/365 Harry

Our West Highland White Terrier, born 23 August 2024. He has doubled in size since being with us :-) November 2024
11 items in total