multiple exposure

2024 Saturday challenge

Folder: Projects

multiple exposure

15 Jan 2024 13 7 130
Saturday challenge 336. - 20.01.2024 Multiple exposure ... the individual shots can also be superimposed in image processing. Three original photos taken 15 January 2024, processed, not in camera.

thru a tube

26 Jan 2024 12 10 121
Saturday challenge 337. - 27.01.2024 Taken through a hand made tube "The view through a tube or tunnel" Capture the view through a tube/tunnel or anything comparable in your photo.

electric blue

29 Jan 2024 13 14 124
Our VW Tiguan. Manufactured in 2010 in Wölfsburg, same year and place as our other car, VW Passat. 87,000km, in great condition when we bought it in February 2022, then 79,000km. SSC 338 - 03.02.2024 - Blue object

000/112 emergency call

05 Feb 2024 8 13 104
339. - 10.02.2024 - European Emergency Call Day 112 Triple zero (000) is the Australian standard emergency number, while 112 is an international standard emergency number. Dialling 112 directs you to the same triple zero (000) call service. European 112 Day is to raise awareness for the Europe-wide availability and the advantages of the European emergency call 112. They chose 11 February since the date includes the telephone number (11/2). A wide variety of events take place around Europe every year to celebrate European 112 Day.


15 Feb 2024 5 2 93
340. - 17.02.2024 Aperture stars Take a cardboard box with a small hole, about 5 mm, and a flashlight behind it. With this you have a small point-shaped and bright light source, with a dark background. Archive shot, much better...


18 Feb 2024 10 13 142
Flowering now, NSW, Australia. Saturday challenge 341. - 24.02.2024 - Soft


01 Mar 2024 8 8 114
Ceramic ornament 4cm height. Saturday challenge - 342 - 02.03.2024 - Something that has a face

cable clutter

10 Mar 2024 9 14 106
Saturday challenge 344th - 16.03.2024 - Cable spaghetti / clutter Bonus dust.


20 Mar 2024 10 14 123
Saturday challenge 345. - 23.03.2024 A chain

Coastal architecture

26 Mar 2024 5 11 111
NSW, Australia Saturday challenge 346 - 30.03.2024 - Luxury For me, luxury is the freedom to do what I want to do, and to be with the people I want to be with. However in terms of material luxury, the above house may be perceived as luxurious. This beach is across the street...

rust in the rain

05 Apr 2024 10 13 137
Saturday challenge - 347. - 06.04.2024 - Rust Boot remover Another rusty one here

Kids Crazy Maze

12 Apr 2024 8 9 147
Saturday challenge 348. - 13.04.2024 - Bus ... coach, bus and whatever else you may encounter. The condition here, however, is that the "bus" in your photo must be suitable for transporting more than nine people. Toyota Hiace commuter bus

floating prosecco

15 Apr 2024 14 10 152
Saturday challenge - 349. - 20.04.2024 - A bottle that does not stand... the bottle must not stand on the bottom of the bottle! It should be a typical bottle made of glass or plastic. The bottle may float, fly, swim, lie or ...

collection day

22 Apr 2024 4 4 110
Saturday challenge 350. - 27.04.2024 - Garbage. Find one or a group of garbage cans, litter garbage cans, something to collect waste in. Mid Coast Council, New South Wales, Australia 1 x red bin for general waste 1 x yellow bin for recycling, collected fortnightly 1 x green bin for garden organics waste, collected fortnightly

Marine Parade

29 Apr 2024 8 13 142
Watsons Bay, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Cropped from this:

Main & Ocean

08 May 2024 15 14 147
Saturday challenge 352 - Negative Space

at an angle

16 May 2024 14 25 154
Elevated house, NSW Australia Saturday challenge - Vertical or horizontal subject taken at an unnatural angle.


22 May 2024 7 6 118
Saturday challenge 354. - 25.05.2024 - Street lamps, luminous

43 items in total