
2023 Saturday Challenge

Folder: Projects


08 Jan 2023 5 14 148
288 - 14.01.2023 washing machine This is a top loader, not much to see ... very popular in Australia... smart, clean lines, and efficient... utility. www.fisherpaykel.com/au/laundry/washing-machines/top-load/top-loader-washing-machine-5.5kg-mw513-93260.html Fisher & Paykel Their revolutionary Smartdrive top loading washing machine was created in 1990. The company had a manufacturing base in Australia for almost 20 years and nearly 70 years in New Zealand, but stated it can no longer compete with low cost labour countries and had to close them. In 2012, Haier, a major Chinese appliance manufacturer, purchased over 90% of Fisher & Paykel Appliance shares. Wikipedia

every day something new

21 Jan 2023 22 20 186
Theme - symbol for 2022 New South Wales, Australia

a line

24 Jan 2023 9 16 119
290. - 28.01.2023 Minimalism, a line

Smoke alarm

29 Jan 2023 7 13 156
291. - 04.02.2023 - Smoke detector ... you should photograph a smoke detector in your environment (house, apartment, office or workplace) and if you want also edit the photo. The Clipsal brand name first appeared in 1920, when Alfred Gerard developed a range of adjustable, clip-on metal conduit fittings. At the close of 2003, Clipsal was acquired by Schneider Electric, forming a formidable partnership. www.clipsal.com/smokealarms Schneider Electric has had its head office in Rueil-Malmaison, France since 2000.


09 Feb 2023 18 12 125
292. - 11.02.2023 - Flatlay A still life which is placed on a flat plane and photographed from above...

14th February 2023

14 Feb 2023 16 14 202
Our Jack Highland Terrier, Bella, taken 14th February 2023. Every day is Valentine’s Day if you share your life with a dog.


21 Feb 2023 14 26 152
294. - 25.02.2023 Frontal and symmetrical


28 Feb 2023 21 24 215
295. - 04.03.2023 - a pet This is Bella, our Jack Highland Terrier. Scavenger Hunt 22 - Jack of Hearts

Obi Wan Gnomi

10 Mar 2023 14 26 154
296. - 11.03.2023 - an object where it doesn't belong. Visiting another place here www.ipernity.com/doc/gillianeverett/51805796


15 Mar 2023 17 13 126
297. - 18.03.2023 Something that determines your everyday life

still life - contemporary

24 Mar 2023 17 9 186
298. - 25.03.2023 - Still - life No matter if classic with fruits, vegetables or other objects - what you find and like. It should be 3-dimensional (no flatlay) and consist of several objects.

Rainbow Flat

29 Mar 2023 11 13 148
New South Wales, Australia 299. - 01.04.2023 - Petrol station Access Fuels is an independently owned fuel distribution business, operating. from a single depot in Bulahdelah on the NSW Mid North Coast... Access Fuels operates a group of retail outlets (service stations) throughout northern NSW. accessfuels.com.au/about-access-fuels

eggs misbehaving

04 Apr 2023 17 26 180
300. - 08.04.2023 - egg Topic: Eggs of animals, no matter how big. (from flea egg to ostrich egg) In an odd number: 1 or 3 or 5 but no more.

round bokeh

21 Dec 2022 12 10 156
GE self challenge - round bokeh shapes/discs Have had this lens for a while, but not used it much... Yongnuo YN100mm F-2

Check your speed

11 Apr 2023 7 14 124
301. - 15.04.2023 - Traffic sign ... signs that forbid us to do something in traffic. This was the closest I found this week, didn't see any stop signs, etc.


17 Apr 2023 14 14 146
302. - 22.04.2023 - Blossoms in the night

half a second

29 Apr 2023 6 6 114
303. - 29.04.2023 - Half second - blur movement

front object out of focus

02 May 2023 6 10 108
304. - 08.05.2023 - Front object out of focus!

47 items in total