World Photography Day 2022

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Australia Day, World Photography Day, and others...

19 Aug 2022

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World Photography Day 2022

Australia is a vast and ancient land mass, with a relatively small population. Most people cling to the areas on the western, southern, and eastern coasts, the centre being sparsely populated due to the relatively hot and dry climate conditions. So, there is a great affinity with the coast and the ocean. So this photo for World Photography Day 2022 celebrates the ocean and ancient rock formations. We are lucky that when we pop down to our local library, just a few minutes away, we can have this experience, seeing the waves crashing near the ocean pool on our closest beach in New South Wales, Australia. See larger view in PiP

19 Aug 2021

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209 visits

our world

World Photography Day

26 Jan 2020

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137 visits

26/366 Australia Day

We arrived in Australia on 26 January 1988, so for us this is always a special day, every year. Australia Day is the official national day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, it marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip.

26 Jan 2021

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180 visits

Australia Day

Sunday challenge - something iconic

25 Apr 2015

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216 visits

115/365 Anzac Day 2015

Parade and ceremony to mark the centenary of the Gallipoli landings.

14 Jul 2015

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330 visits

195/365 Parisian day

Aromas is a street cafe/restaurant on Hastings Street in Noosa. It has a Parisian style already, but yesterday the atmosphere was even more Parisian with a theme for Bastille Day... July 14: Allons enfants de la patrie (Let's go children of the fatherland)… it is time to celebrate! - “Is this a revolt?” asked Louis XVI to the Duque of Rochefoucauld, to which he replied: - “No Sire, this is a revolution.” One of King Louis XVI’s most trusted counsellors pronounced those ominous words on July 12, 1789. Two days later, the royal fortress of Bastille — a symbol of despotism — was attacked. The tide of patriotic fervour led to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. “Men are born free and remain free and equal in rights.” Nations around the world modelled their bill of rights after this now universal sentence. No wonder France’s national holiday, le quatorze juillet, is world famous.

01 Jun 2020

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Postcard from Australia

One new photo taken each day in May 2020. Sunday challenge... How Are You Coping With The Lock Down/Stay At Home Order Show us how you have dealt with the situation. How did you fill your time? How did you cope? We left our home in Queensland towards the end of March, having sold it because the acreage was too hard to look after. We decided to take the opportunity of living in a cooler climate, having lived in Queensland's tropical humidity for many years. Little did we realise that it would all happen in the very middle of the pandemic, and by then we were financially committed, and had no choice but to go with the flow. Now, just two months later we have settled in our new home, and feel that we have been here for ages. We will miss our family and friends from up North. We fully expected to be able to "pop" up and see them now and again. Not so, at the moment, as the border into Queensland is still closed. However, always keeping busy, some beautiful sunsets, and flowers. Some pretty wild weather in May. Plenty of variety, including walks on the local beaches, and in our neighbourhood. We are lucky that we live in a rural/coastal area, where it is relatively uncrowded.

03 Aug 2022

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winter sunset

Sunset 5:51pm New South Wales, Australia Sunrise 6:14 am next day

22 Nov 2014

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618 visits

Teddy and Katie

A day in the country with relatives. There was a photoshoot included as Katie wanted to send in an entry for a local "Favourite pet in orange" competition. Colour of the month Orange/Grey/Black August 2016
14 items in total