Orange Morning

Interesting 3

Folder: ipernity views, explore, galleries.

17 Jul 2014

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506 visits

Orange Morning

What an amazing start to the day, crisp, clear and bright orange July 17. View to the coast from the Noosa Hinterland in Queensland. TSC Sunrise Sunset in Note on main image :-)

31 Jan 2014

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Chinese Red

Created with Photoshop Elements 12, June 14 2014, using the instructions from the Orbs group. Original image January 31 2014 in Note. TSC 15th June Abstract with Red... Here is a great time to try polar coordinates or kaleidoscope..... After reading the discussion on the topic, I just had to have a go with Photoshop :-)

23 Jul 2014

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Hamilton Island Sunset

Whitsunday group of islands in Queensland. Taken at Hamilton Island Yacht Club. Zero editing. TSC2 Sunrise/Sunset

03 Jun 2014

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Anchors Aweigh

Went to the Noosa River to see if there were any birds willing to pose. A few Pelicans, Seagulls, Corellas, Ducks, Pigeons. First of all took a shot with Auto ISO which came out as ISO 100, and quite dark (see Note on Image above), but OK. So upped it a notch to ISO 200, manually. Had it on high shutter speed (1/640), hoping to catch a bird in flight, but liked one shot in particular with a stationary Pelican, boat and Seagull. Zero editing. TSC 8 June Technical - a setting on your camera you have never used or been able to figure out... ISO :-)

02 Jul 2014

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Evening is Golden

We are having such glorious crisp and clear days and at the end of the day, lucky enough to capture this at the Yacht Club on the Noosa River in Queensland. 2/31 July Orange/Maize 12 Months in Colour.

04 Jul 2014

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Friday in Tewantin, Queensland, at an open air Auction.. TSC July 6 Scenes that evoke a mood

02 Dec 2013

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Blue-faced Honeyeater

Hastings Street, Noosa, Queensland. The Blue-faced Honeyeater is a large black, white and golden olive-green honeyeater with striking blue skin around the yellow to white eye. The crown, face and neck are black, with a narrow white band across the back of the neck. The upperparts and wings are a golden olive green, and the underparts are white, with a grey-black throat and upper breast. The blue facial skin is two-toned, with the lower half a brilliant cobalt blue. Juvenile birds are similar to the adults but the facial skin is yellow-green and the bib is a lighter grey. This honeyeater is noisy and gregarious, and is usually seen in pairs or small flocks. It is known as the Banana-bird in tropical areas, for its habit of feeding on banana fruit and flowers. Another image top left.

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05 Jul 2014

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Cool Customer and Shy Friend

Just had to include these lovely ladies from the Noosa Civic Shopping Centre in Queensland. Extra photo also in note on main image. TSC 136 Shoppers/Window displays

18 Oct 2009

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c1915 George Samways Beale and Maud Clarence (nee Hibberd) Beale

Maud Clarence Hibberd 1892-1965, born in Semley, Wiltshire, England. Married George Samways Beale, with two children, and lived in Bournemouth.. Maud was the sister of William Hibberd 1897-1971, who was also born in Semley, Wiltshire.
36 items in total