38/happy snaps

People and the street, beach or anywhere

Folder: People
Link to selection from my 100 strangers project... www.ipernity.com/doc/gillianeverett/album/513683

Group People, Portraits, and Street Photography... www.ipernity.com/group/australianportraitandcandid

15 Jun 2022

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137 visits

38/happy snaps

I met this couple while walking by Cape Hawke Harbour, in Forster, New South Wales, Australia. They asked me to take a photo of them with their mobile phone, which I did. Shortly afterwards I took this photo. 22H38 People

28 Jun 2022

8 favorites


110 visits

best foot forward

New South Wales, Australia

20 Jul 2022

8 favorites


106 visits


at Tartt café/restaurant in Forster, New South Wales, Australia. Morning coffee, rainy day. Forster, first surveyed in 1869 and renamed in 1870 after William Forster - then secretary of lands. A school opened in 1870 and a pilot station in 1872. John Breckenridge established a saw mill (and a store) on the townsite in 1871 and engaged in shipbuilding as the waterways were virtually the sole means of transport at the time...timbergetting, milling, and fishing... sailing ships then steamships...smh.com.au/lifestyle 2007

19 Apr 2016

14 favorites


580 visits

Not PUNny... We are not amused

Probably because of the annoying photographer :-) TSC Visual pun

01 Oct 2013

2 favorites


200 visits

Twinned Hair

Noosa Main Beach, Queensland

28 Jul 2013

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490 visits

Meeting a Dolphin

At Dolphin Cove in Tin Can Bay, Queensland. This child had dropped the tiny fish in the water and his father was explaining that he should have held it just under the water. The dolphins take the fish very gently. The locals have named these two visiting Dolphins Mystique (male) and Patch (female), members of a pod of frequent Dolphin visitors. It is a delightful experience to see these wild river/estuarine dolphins willingly coming close to the shore to meet their old friends who host the meeting with these lovely creatures. Every morning around 7-8.30am they can be seen in varying numbers. The Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins have been interacting with residents and visitors of Tin Can Bay for 30 years. It all started with “Scarry” nicknamed due to the numerous rough edges along her dorsal and tail fins. “Scarry” appeared with a young male dolphin, Mystique, believed to be her youngest surviving offspring. “Scarry” has not been seen since early 2003 but her son Mystique and girlfriend “Patch” still come in to the boat ramp to observe humans and be hand fed. barnaclesdolphincentre.com.au/dolphin_feeding.htm Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins are referred to as an 'inshore' species as they occur in shallow nearshore waters, often near river mouths, and are rarely sighted more than 1 km offshore. In Moreton Bay they can be found up to 6 km offshore and have also been recorded up to 55 km offshore in the northern Great Barrier Reef where waters are shallow. Their distribution is tropical and subtropical. Key localities in Queensland are Moreton Bay and its adjacent offshore waters, and the Tin Can Inlet of the Great Sandy Strait. www.ehp.qld.gov.au/wildlife/animals-az/indopacific_humpba... Archive Airings AA53 Candid street scenes 2017 Alphabet Site M

01 Oct 2013

230 visits


Noosa Surf Club, Queensland.

02 Oct 2013


293 visits

Cafe at Night

Hastings Street in Noosa, Queensland

19 Apr 2013

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413 visits

Russell and Jet

Revisiting some of my portraits of Strangers, in Black and White. This was a candid shot. I later asked Russell for a portrait for 100 Strangers. Full description of the encounter in the colour version. Noosa, Queensland
33 items in total