
2022/23 Scavenger Hunt

Folder: Scavenger Hunt
1 A starts with
2 Advertise a product
3 Book favourite
4 Car
5 Door - interesting
6 Environment
7 Fairy tale
8 Far horizons
9 Film Noir
10 Fishing
11 Floral Art
x12 Geography
13 Gritty
14 History
15 House - architecture
16 I can fly
17 I wish I could…
18 Industrial
19 Inspired by…
20 Internet
x21 J starts with
x22 Jack of Hearts
23 Knot/s
24 Lake
x25 Language
x26 Laughter
27 Long exposure
28 Low K…  (read more)


30 Jul 2022 15 24 190
on our walk. New South Wales, Australia Scavenger Hunt 2022/23/ 22H01 Starts with A

02/for the car

18 Aug 2022 12 27 180
Saturday challenge 271. - 20.08.2022 - Spraydosen /Spray cans Raided my husband's collection of spray cans... SCA WAX & GREASE REMOVER by MMP Industrial for Super Cheap Auto. WÜRTH LACQUER SPRAY SPECIAL Wheel Rim Silver. Würth Australia, Made in Germany (bought for our VW Passat) Dupli-Color Autospray Alaskan White Manufactured in Mulgrave, NSW, Australia by MMP Industrial, under license from THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. 22H02 Advertise a product

03/Seven Pillars of Wisdom

25 Sep 2022 8 4 124
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence 1926. The complete works (1589-1613) of William Shakespeare. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 2003. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince 2005. Scavenger Hunt 3 Book favourite

04/ Mazda MX3

31 Oct 2022 7 6 95
Scavenger Hunt 4 - Car Seen near our local shopping centre. Coupé front wheel drive, manufactured and marketed by Mazda, introduced at the Geneva Auto Show in March 1991.

05/ Burrawang

26 Jan 2023 7 2 134
We went to the Southern Highlands for a wedding 27 January, and there was a very enjoyable gathering here the night before. In 1865 the first post office was established at Burrawang, which was named after the native palm once plentiful in the area. This was followed by the first pub licensed in 1866, believed to have been located in the two residences immediately west of the current pub... burrawangvillage.com/about/ which dates from the 1920s. Scavenger Hunt 5 - Door/interesting

07/ Merry Christmas!

07 Dec 2022 24 19 235
Wishing ipernity pals a very enjoyable time over Christmas, and health and happiness in 2023! Background: NightCafe Reindeer from a photo of 2014 T shirt design. Editors: GIMP, Fotor, Picasa. Scavenger Hunt 7 - Fairy tale - in comments :-)

08/ Norah Head

17 Jul 2022 13 17 155
We visited this interesting lighthouse on our way home after a weekend staying with friends on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia (July 2022) Norah Head Lighthouse was purposely built from 1901 to 1903 to protect ships travelling between Sydney and Newcastle with vital cargo and passengers. Perched on the headland, the lighthouse takes in magnificent ocean vistas and is the Central Coast's most spectacular icon. A walking track skirts around the lighthouse side and leads to stairs that climb down to the rock platform below and to Lighthouse Beach. Whale watching is a popular pastime from this location from May to November each year. Norah Head Lighthouse celebrated its Centenary in November 2003. Apart from the electrification of the light, few changes have been made to the lighthouse since it was established. Buildings on the headland comprise the Lighthouse, Flag Locker, Head Keepers Quarters and the first and second assistant lightkeepers' quarters and stables. Scavenger Hunt 08/Far Horizons

09/ Film Noir

19 Jan 2023 8 3 158
Created in Wombo art from a photo of the DVD. Scavenger Challenge 9/ Film Noir


17 Jul 2022 17 12 150
Norah Head, New South Wales, Australia 2022/23 Scavenger Hunt 22H10 - fishing

11/au naturel

12 Mar 2023 23 14 228
Scavenger Hunt 11/Floral Art Flowers from our garden... Grevillea Crepe Myrtle Plumbago Red Gum New South Wales, Australia

12/ Geography

30 May 2023 5 2 104
Scavenger Hunt - Geography ... you can order a globe online now from ebay

13/shattered wheel

10 Jul 2022 6 10 115
Scavenger Hunt 22H13 Gritty This happened early July. We were on our way to Gloucester that day, and bounced in a massive pothole, had a shattered wheel and flat tyre, and had to go home, as the spare tyre wasn't that good. We were very lucky that a young couple were passing and volunteered assistance, which meant half the time to change the wheel/tyre, which is a write off. Quite a shock... could have been worse if we had swerved on the road. Quite a scenic location, with interested spectators, just past Germany Lane, on Avalon Road, near Krambach, New South Wales, Australia. We reported the pothole to the council and it has now been filled (August 2022) It was better value to buy FOUR new wheels and tyres than to buy one imported wheel and tyre. We had bought some silver paint to renovate the old wheels, but that's not needed any more...

14/ Crowdy Head

27 Sep 2022 22 31 178
We had a day trip to see this interesting lighthouse. Located 33 kilometres north-east of Taree, the historic Crowdy Head Lighthouse was built 1878-1879 and is one of five small lighthouses built on the NSW coast, with panoramic views from the lighthouse reserve. Looking north you can see beyond Diamond Head and the Three Brothers mountains (south, middle and north), which were named by Captain James Cook in 1770 as he sailed up the east coast. Unbeknown to him, the Biripi Nation had been calling them the Three Brothers for millennia. To the south you can see as far as Seal Rocks. visitnsw.com Scavenger Hunt 14 History

15/white house

25 Jul 2022 6 6 110
New South Wales, Australia Scavenger Hunt 22H15

16/Willie Wagtail

19 Jul 2022 11 5 113
I popped down to the library, then went up to the lookout. This little guy arrived and didn't seem to mind my company :-) New South Wales, Australia The Willie Wagtail is the largest, and most well-known, of the Australian fantails. The plumage is black above with a white belly. The Willie Wagtail can be distinguished from other similar-sized black and white birds by its black throat and white eyebrows and whisker marks. The name wagtail stems from the constant sideways wagging of the tail. Young birds resemble the adults, but have paler, slightly rusty edges to the feathers of the wings. birdlife.org.au/bird-profile/willie-wagtail 22H16 I can fly If you would like join the Scavenger Hunt, here is the link www.ipernity.com/group/2445860

17/ camellia

25 Apr 2023 14 13 153
The first camellia flower this year, in our backyard. New South Wales, Australia Scavenger hunt 17 - I wish I could... find such amazing flowers every day :-)

18/Cap Combi used by the Veolia group

11 Sep 2022 6 7 124
Scavenger Hunt 6 - Industrial Seen in Queensland, Australia. "The Cappellotto CAP COMBI 3200 CL is highly versatile vacuum combination unit. Combining high efficiency vacuum performance, drain cleaning, hydro excavation and high performance vacuum capability, the CAP COMBI 3200 CL will find a place in your fleet enabling you to manage diverse applications. With KOR’s customer service commitment, your unit will be supported for the life of the vehicle." See unit in operation in the photo below,which is from the manufacturer's web site Veolia group aims to be the benchmark company for ecological transformation. In 2021, the Veolia group supplied 79 million people with drinking water and 61 million people with wastewater service, produced nearly 48 million megawatt hours of energy and treated 48 million metric tons of waste. ... designs and provides water, waste and energy management solutions ...

19/Tribute to Gauguin

11 Jul 2022 8 9 186
CMT3 COPYCAT post Sunday 17 July... Please visit a fellow CMT group member's ipernity photo collection, to find a photo that you really like. Take a NEW photo inspired by the subject, or style, of the original photo. Please credit the original photographer, and put a link to the original photo in your description or comments. Post processing OK. Inspired by Esther's image "Inspired by Gauguin" www.ipernity.com/doc/esther/51329552 and using elements from: Still Life with Teapot and Fruit (1896) by Paul Gauguin. Original from The MET Museum. Public Domain. www.rawpixel.com/image/1233904 The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Source) See comments Plus my still life. Editors: GIMP, Fotor, Picasa Scavenger Hunt 22H19 - Inspired by... If you would like join the Scavenger Hunt, here is the link www.ipernity.com/group/2445860

49 items in total