SHC35 good moooning

Gloucester, New South Wales

Folder: Australia

01 Nov 2021

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196 visits

SHC35 good moooning

Gloucester, New South Wales, Australia TSC Scavenger Hunt 35 a Cow Sunday challenge- Curved edge/s

05 Nov 2020

4 favorites


117 visits

310/366 Mograni lookout

Dull day for our drive along the amazingly scenic Bucketts Way, New South Wales, Australia When arriving at Gloucester from the east, Mograni Lookout is a grandstand for one of the best views in the Barrington Coast... Mograni Lookout is on the high ridge overlooking Gloucester, just before the Bucketts Way descends into the valley. On the left is the Mograni Range and below lies the town of Gloucester nestled on a quiet bend of the Gloucester River beneath the Buccan Buccans (the Bucketts Mountains). The Gloucester River is born as a rugged mountain stream high in Barrington Tops but transforms to a calm and beautiful waterway passing verdant farmland in its lower reaches. It lends a lot of this beauty to the township of Gloucester where it's joined by the Barrington River and Avon River, in the valley below

05 Nov 2020

14 favorites


166 visits

Mograni lookout

Dull day for our drive along the amazingly scenic Bucketts Way, New South Wales, Australia When arriving at Gloucester from the east, Mograni Lookout is a grandstand for one of the best views in the Barrington Coast... Mograni Lookout is on the high ridge overlooking Gloucester, just before the Bucketts Way descends into the valley. On the left is the Mograni Range and below lies the town of Gloucester nestled on a quiet bend of the Gloucester River beneath the Buccan Buccans (the Bucketts Mountains). The Gloucester River is born as a rugged mountain stream high in Barrington Tops but transforms to a calm and beautiful waterway passing verdant farmland in its lower reaches. It lends a lot of this beauty to the township of Gloucester where it's joined by the Barrington River and Avon River, in the valley below Sunday challenge... Using your mobile phone

03 Dec 2021

11 favorites


158 visits


Gloucester, New South Wales Plenty of rain recently. Sunday challenge 514 - Stillness