low down

2021 ipernity Photo Gallery

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Featured in ipernity's Photo Gallery

15 Jan 2021

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183 visits

low down

Sunday challenge - get down low. The Gazanias are flourishing after the recent deluge of rain, New South Wales, Australia.

21 Jan 2021

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208 visits


... down on the rocks, near Bennetts Head, Forster, New South Wales, Australia. Closer view in PiP Fine summer day, and very busy everywhere, although uncrowded on the rewarding short cliff walk from Bennetts Head to One Mile Beach. Sunday challenge - water

26 Jan 2021

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181 visits

Australia Day

Sunday challenge - something iconic

08 Feb 2021

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157 visits

Pebbly Beach

Only accessible via a rain forest track. View to distant Cape Hawke, New South Wales, Australia.

13 Feb 2021

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217 visits

new on old

Sunday challenge - something new on something old :-) He doesn't look too impressed with my improvisation. Link to Bob Hope song www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1e7CIMvD74

06 Feb 2021

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187 visits

February Plumbago

Flowering abundantly in our backyard, New South Wales, Australia. Sunday challenge-Single focal point.

10 Feb 2021

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169 visits

Dora's umbrella

She can never resist checking out the photo props :-) It has actually been raining overnight. National Umbrella Day We can credit the Chinese for being the first to protect us from the rain. Their paper parasols received a layer of wax followed by lacquer that made the umbrella withstand the elements. One of the first umbrella shops in existence opened in 1830 at 53 New Oxford Street in London, England. The shop, operated by James Smith and Sons, still operates regular hours at the same location today. In 1928, Hans Haupt’s pocket umbrellas appeared. In 1969, Bradford E. Phillips, the owner of Totes Incorporated of Loveland, Ohio, obtained a patent for the first “working folding umbrella.” nationaldaycalendar.com/national-umbrella-day-february-10/

23 Feb 2021

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143 visits

in the rain

New South Wales, Australia There are cones dotted along this road, as there are ongoing roadworks to fix the potholes from the heavy rain. Sunday challenge - Cone/Cones/Cone shaped

04 Mar 2021

26 favorites


254 visits

bursting into flower

Our flowering red gum, New South Wales, Australia. It is Eucalyptus Summer Red, a (grafted) hybrid between Eucalyptus ficifolia and ptychocarpa, quite a tiny tree at the moment. Can grow to a height of 5m and a crown width of 3m. Wider view in PiP Sunday challenge - unusual or odd shaped items
37 items in total