low down


Folder: by Year starting 2017

low down

15 Jan 2021 14 15 183
Sunday challenge - get down low. The Gazanias are flourishing after the recent deluge of rain, New South Wales, Australia.

at Red Head

14 Jan 2021 7 10 119
shaping up to be a very hot day.. New South Wales, Australia. Such a lovely view they have.


21 Jan 2021 13 14 208
... down on the rocks, near Bennetts Head, Forster, New South Wales, Australia. Closer view in PiP Fine summer day, and very busy everywhere, although uncrowded on the rewarding short cliff walk from Bennetts Head to One Mile Beach. Sunday challenge - water

One Mile Beach

21 Jan 2021 4 3 84
Forster, New South Wales, Australia. Clear day in Summer, and very busy everywhere, although uncrowded on the rewarding short cliff walk from Bennetts Head to One Mile Beach.

amaroo cruises

21 Jan 2021 7 6 104
One Mile Beach in Forster, New South Wales, Australia. View towards Cape Hawke. Clear day in Summer, and very busy everywhere, although uncrowded on the rewarding short cliff walk from Bennetts Head to One Mile Beach.

Australia Day

26 Jan 2021 14 11 181
Sunday challenge - something iconic

February Plumbago

06 Feb 2021 18 27 187
Flowering abundantly in our backyard, New South Wales, Australia. Sunday challenge-Single focal point.

mushroom art

02 Feb 2021 11 7 159
Simplicity, à la Edward Weston One of the important photographers of the 20th century. He produced photographs that transformed his subjects into abstractions of shapes and patterns. He strove to capture the essence and beauty of everyday objects... My photo styled after his original artwork here... www.canvastar.com/en/edward-weston-mushroom-art-print

08SH Chocolate Factory

02 Feb 2021 3 2 117
at the Bellevue Hotel in Tuncurry, New South Wales, Australia. TSC Scavenger hunt - a shop/market stall selling sweets/candy Only 4 to go to complete my 50 photos for the project. Having difficulty with some of them... 17 Mannequin (have seen some headless ones, but would prefer a more normal look) 28 Snow/frost/ice (will probably have to do ice from the fridge) 50 Weather vane (haven't spotted one, yet)

Pebbly Beach

08 Feb 2021 4 2 104
Only accessible via a rain forest track. View to distant Cape Hawke, New South Wales, Australia.

new on old

13 Feb 2021 14 16 217
Sunday challenge - something new on something old :-) He doesn't look too impressed with my improvisation. Link to Bob Hope song www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1e7CIMvD74

28SH ice cream

12 Feb 2021 5 7 102
TSC Scavenger Hunt - snow/frost/ice ... ICE cream

abstract one colour

21 Feb 2021 8 18 167
Sunday challenge original in PiP

abstract one colour

Dora's umbrella

10 Feb 2021 17 11 169
She can never resist checking out the photo props :-) It has actually been raining overnight. National Umbrella Day We can credit the Chinese for being the first to protect us from the rain. Their paper parasols received a layer of wax followed by lacquer that made the umbrella withstand the elements. One of the first umbrella shops in existence opened in 1830 at 53 New Oxford Street in London, England. The shop, operated by James Smith and Sons, still operates regular hours at the same location today. In 1928, Hans Haupt’s pocket umbrellas appeared. In 1969, Bradford E. Phillips, the owner of Totes Incorporated of Loveland, Ohio, obtained a patent for the first “working folding umbrella.” nationaldaycalendar.com/national-umbrella-day-february-10/

in the rain

23 Feb 2021 10 9 143
New South Wales, Australia There are cones dotted along this road, as there are ongoing roadworks to fix the potholes from the heavy rain. Sunday challenge - Cone/Cones/Cone shaped

17SH Mannequin

26 Feb 2021 7 8 112
TSC Scavenger Hunt The street shot had too many reflections, so I had to go inside the shop. I was tempted into buying a few things :-) Taree, New South Wales, Australia

50SH weather vanes

07 Mar 2021 7 5 98
TSC Scavenger Hunt Haven't found any weather vanes in my new area, so have created a collage of my photos of vanes from other areas in Australia. Fishy Rosedale Weather Vane Weather Vane

87 items in total