275/366 Sooki

366 October 2020

Folder: 366/2020

01 Oct 2020

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74 visits

275/366 Sooki

She missed out on a portrait in September, so here she is in October :-)

02 Oct 2020

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276/366 Diamond Beach October

Such a glorious day. New South Wales, Australia

03 Oct 2020

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99 visits

277/366 Slices


04 Oct 2020

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121 visits

278/366 yesterday today tomorrow

A few days later... The Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant (Brunfelsia) is a tropical plant native to Brazil. Its lush green foliage is accented with unique blooms that change color. The flowers bloom first as a purple or violet bloom. The next day that same bloom is pale lavender and the next day it is white.

05 Oct 2020

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125 visits

279/366 Dora

...yes, Dora the Explorer again, in a relatively docile mood. Took this 5th October. Today is Wednesday 7th. We have just put up a cat net on our back deck as Dora has worked out how to jump over. On a trial run she nearly fell off the other side which is about 4-5 metres above the ground, very high. Dangerous, but she has had a taste of the great outdoors, and is desperate. We are concerned about the native birds, and about her... ticks, snakes, etc.

06 Oct 2020

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89 visits

280/366 wilderness white

Flowering for the first time in our garden bed. A young Callistemon. A different design to our other Callistemons...

07 Oct 2020

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70 visits

281/366 Mah Jong

In the traditional rules of the game, the four wind tiles are laid face down and each of the four players draws one to determine where they sit at a square table: north, west, south and east. Each player is then given 14 tiles. To get a Mahjong, a player must arrange their tiles into four sets and a pair. A set can either be a “pung,” a set of three identical tiles, or a “chow,” three tiles in sequence of the same suit. (The rules are similar to Rummy in that you can have either a run of three cards or three of a kind. The trick is to remember the characters! ) Once the tiles have been dealt, the remaining tiles are formed into a wall of 17 tiles long and 2 high in front of each player... There are 136 tiles in a set which includes 36 characters, 36 circles, 36 bamboos (each of these suits are divided into numbers one to nine), 16 Wind tiles and 12 Dragon tiles. roundhouse.ca/mahjong-a-brief-history-of-the-game/ One pair of dice is used to determine the deal.

08 Oct 2020

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81 visits

282/366 strange

October is proving to be strange... Here we have Ooshies... The collection features 36 Ooshies, which follows the success of last year's wildly popular Lion King Ooshies. Disney+ Ooshies™ are a unique collection that’s exclusive to Woolworths and Disney+.

09 Oct 2020

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98 visits

283/366 Cape Hawke Harbour

Glorious morning in Forster, New South Wales. The water is so clear here. We saw Darters and Pelicans.
31 items in total