246/366 September Gardenia

366 September 2020

Folder: 366/2020

02 Sep 2020

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81 visits

246/366 September Gardenia

Experimenting with my new camera (actually secondhand, from ebay). Happy with this result.

03 Sep 2020

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163 visits

247/366 purple profusion

Surprised that I had somehow managed to change the aspect ratio, without trying... learning the ways of the new camera... out walking with our dogs. A flowery month so far...

01 Sep 2020

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92 visits

245/366 Sunday flowers

Ist September 2020!

04 Sep 2020

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77 visits

248/366 Spring Hibiscus

New South Wales, Australia Out and about, only my mobile phone with me :-)

05 Sep 2020

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70 visits

249/366 Little Treehouse

Supermarket chain Coles has rolled out a new collectables range for kids that feature pocket-sized books, inspired by the Treehouse book series. The grocery giant partnered with author Andy Griffiths and illustrator Terry Denton to write 24 Coles Little Treehouse books.

06 Sep 2020

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75 visits

250/366 Today's visitor

Kookaburra, NSW Quiet Sunday. Gardening, mulching, shifting rocks...

07 Sep 2020

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74 visits

251/366 terracotta roof

in the neighbourhood. The light and colours appealed to me.

08 Sep 2020

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96 visits

252/366 watching

... a picnic, on the foreshore by the Manning River in Taree, New South Wales. The Manning River is a double delta river system with two openings, the only one of its kind in the southern hemisphere. The main mouth of the river is at Harrington with the second opening located at Old Bar. The river rises near Mount Barrington within Barrington Tops National Park. It descends 1,500 metres over its 261 kilometre course from the high upper reaches through the Manning Valley and out to the Pacific Ocean near Taree. visitnsw.com

09 Sep 2020

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81 visits

253/366 Dune Pigface

Carpobrotus glaucescens is found growing naturally in coastal areas on sand dunes along the NSW and Queensland coast, north to Rockhampton. It also grows down into the east coast areas of Victoria. Pigface grows on the front of sand dunes and acts as a stabilizer where it helps to bind the sand, this allows more effective sand stabilizers such as spinifex grass to take a hold. "The name refers to its edible fruits, “karpos” meaning fruit and “brota” meaning edible in Greek. Common names include ice plant and pigface, so called because the flower resembles a pig’s face – an association that will require a high level of imagination!" wanderer.websoup.com.au/pigface/
30 items in total