pizza wheel

2018 frontpage

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pizza wheel

18 Sep 2018 11 12 255
Sunday challenge... ordinary object made beautiful

the pond

16 Sep 2018 16 19 265
rural Queensland Saturday challenge... processed

Tall Oaks

14 Sep 2018 11 10 245
... from little acorns grow. Ancient metal money box which I had as a child. There is something inside and I have lost the key. "You'd scarce expect one of my age To speak in public on the stage; And if I chance to fall below Demosthenes or Cicero, Don't view me with a critic's eye, But pass my imperfections by. Large streams from little fountains flow, Tall oaks from little acorns grow..." David Everett 1770-1813 American newspaper editor, proprietor, and poet. Sunday challenge... money related, not actual money

Weather Vane

01 Sep 2018 12 15 221
In our backyard, Queensland. Sunday challenge... weather

bee on little Dugald

14 Aug 2018 16 32 272
I prefer the colour version, in notes and comments :-) Saturday challenge, red changed to B&W


03 Aug 2018 13 18 377
Australian Drongo Saturday challenge... silhouettes

cap doesn't fit

19 Jul 2018 6 14 266
Oz still looks cute in it :-) Sunday challenge... something that does not fit

orange glass

16 Jul 2018 14 19 426
Bottles of water, one half full. Saturday challenge... anything glass, best qualities


13 Jul 2018 10 22 399
Sunday challenge... Fill A Glass Container with objects The glass container may be a jar, vase, jug, etc. The objects may be a collection, identical objects or whatever you want to use EXCEPT liquids. This orchid was a present over a year ago. It has always been experimental as far as I am concerned. I knew nothing about orchids and they are still a complete mystery. I decided to repot it and it appears to be growing in thin air. I bought some orchid mix which looks like sizable bark mulch. I put it in a new pot(in comments), but a friend suggested that a clear container would be better to let the light in, so this is the latest effort. I will await developments

Pied Butcherbird

07 Jul 2018 12 13 403
On our fence, in Queensland Cracticus nigrogularis Artamidae The Pied Butcherbird, widespread throughout large parts of mainland Australia, is the familiar species of butcherbird to most people. One of the species’ readily recognised aspects is its beautiful, haunting, flute-like song which may be given throughout the day and sometimes well into moonlit nights. Once heard, the song is difficult to forget, and it has been described as ‘one of the finest in the world’. Added to this, Pied Butcherbirds also often include mimicry of a wide range of species in their repertoire. It is a medium-sized black and white bird. It has a full black hood, dark brown eye and long, hooked, grey and black bill. It has a broad white collar that goes all around its neck and a black bib (throat area). The rest of the underparts are white and the legs are black. The upper parts are mostly black, with large patches of white on the wings and rump. In flight, the white corners of the otherwise black tail are easily seen. Sunday challenge... Wings


30 Jun 2018 16 22 395
the Saturday challenge... baskets

Noosa River

19 Jun 2018 13 18 372
Saturday chalenge B&W contrast

What is it ?

13 Jun 2018 6 28 348
Saturday challenge Will post a clue later :-) Taken from the stern of a cruise ship looking down on two lower open decks. We have just returned from a cruise on this ship. Photo in comments.

Mailbox Art

04 Jun 2018 13 28 321
Rural Queensland Saturday challenge... anything red

streaky red

28 May 2018 14 30 382
SE Queensland Autumn sunset, taken from our patio. Zero editing. Saturday challenge... Clouds/colour or B&W


25 May 2018 15 22 281
In sunlight, filling the frame for the Saturday challenge :-) Euphorbia pulcherrima is a shrub or small tree, typically reaching a height of 0.6–4 metres (2–13 ft). The plant bears dark green dentate leaves that measure 7–16 centimetres (2.8–6.3 in) in length. The colored bracts—which are most often flaming red but can be orange, pale green, cream, pink, white, or marbled—are often mistaken for flower petals because of their groupings and colors, but are actually leaves. Explored

Anzac Day 2018

25 Apr 2018 14 22 494
25 August 2018, Tewantin, Queensland. Lest we forget. With my Dad, now 101, who served in the British Army in WWII... 6th (ARMOURED) DIVISION 1939-1945 September 1940 - Divisional Headquarters formed in the UK. United Kingdom: 12.9.40 - 8.11.42 At Sea: 8.11.42 - 22.11.42 North Africa: 22.11.42 - 18.3.44 Italy: 18.3.44 - 8.5.45 Austria: 8.5.45 - 31.8.45 Explored

Wordsworth's Poetical Works

17 Apr 2018 15 18 493
Published c1867 London: Milner and Sowerby, Paternoster Row. William Milner / Milner and Sowerby, Halifax William Milner (1803-1850) started this Halifax book publishing firm. As a young man he apprenticed in the trade before beginning his own house. By the 1830's he was publishing thousands of "cheap books" per day. His well known series called the "Cottage Library" was comprised of the "cheapest books in Britain". His firm was among the first to publish inexpensive books. He left his publishing business to his two stepsons. The house was then known as Milner and Sowerby. Illiustration and poem in Note Saturday challenge... Books Explored

46 items in total