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Common cuttlefish
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Resolution:350 x 350 dpi
Dimension:5670 x 3674 pixels
Original Date:2017:12:16 16:19:46
Created on:2017:12:16 16:19:46
Modified on:
Date/Time Created2017:12:16 16:19:46+01:00
Digital Creation Date/Time2017:12:16 16:19:46
Image Size5670x3674
Lens Model35mm F1.4 G
Resolution Unitinches
SubjectSepien, Common cuttlefish, Tiere, Weichtiere (Mollusca), Kopffüßer (Cephalopoda), Zehnarmige Tintenfische (Decabrachia), Sepien (Sepiida)
TitleCommon cuttlefish
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.4.0

GPS Information

GPS Date Stamp2019:11:08
GPS Horizontal Positioning Error0 m
GPS Latitude49 deg 0' 25.97" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude8 deg 24' 1.21" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Position49 deg 0' 25.97" N, 8 deg 24' 1.21" E