Your sandwich may vary


I'm doing this series with the hope of improving my focussing. The first one turned out not to be well focussed for the crop I wanted to use, and your keen eye will probably detect the signs in it of extreme sharpening. The second one has revealed a new dimension of focussing to me, so I will continue the series for a while.

03 Jul 2021

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169 visits

Your sandwich may vary

Click the PiP at upper left to see a variant of this sandwich.

08 Jul 2021

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184 visits

Sandwich variant 2

John FitzGerald (London, Ontario) is a photographer who often works with sculpture. By emphasising aesthetics, FitzGerald strives to develop forms that are based only on subjective associations and formal parallels, which encourage the viewer to make new personal associations. His photographs of sculpture sometimes radiate a cold and latent violence. At times, disconcerting beauty emerges. The inherent visual seductiveness, along with the conciseness of the exhibitions, further complicates the reception of their manifold layers of meaning. By choosing mainly formal solutions, he formalizes the coincidental and emphasizes the conscious process of composition that is behind the seemingly random works. The thought processes, which are supposedly private, highly subjective and unfiltered in their references to dream worlds, are frequently revealed as assemblages. His works are based on formal associations which open a unique poetic vein. Multilayered images arise in which the fragility and instability of our seemingly certain reality is questioned. By experimenting with aleatoric processes, he seduces the viewer into a world of ongoing equilibrium and the interval that articulates the stream of daily events. Moments are depicted that only exist to punctuate the human drama in order to clarify our existence and to find poetic meaning in everyday life. His works feature coincidental, accidental and unexpected connections which make it possible to revise art history and, even better, to complement it. Combining unrelated aspects leads to surprising analogies. ===== The artist's statement was generated by 500 Letters, your source for all your artist's statement needs: The PiP at upper left shows a variant of this sculpture. I likes 'er big; to see if you agree, click the pic.

23 Jul 2021

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203 visits

Sandwich 3

26 Jul 2021

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192 visits


An organic tribute to Barnett Newman. The big versions are a bit brighter. Type Z, go wild.