
30 Jan 2018 11 14 296
Looks bigger big.

Spadina Avenue, Toronto

King & University, Toronto

Neige d'antan

05 Feb 2009 20 21 345
Toronto has had very little snow this winter, and there's none on the ground at the moment, so here's some snow that was here ten years ago. This is Nordheimer Ravine.

Interactive abstract

20 Jan 2019 19 14 329
Snow finally returned to Toronto for the first time since a fleeting appearance in December. Not that that's anything to write home about but like it was gettin weird eh? Anyway, the Toronto artistic community has commemorated the event with this interactive abstract piece at Toronto-Dominion Centre.

Nassau in winter

31 Jan 2019 12 12 412
Nassau Street, Toronto, at Bathurst. The PiP at top left shows another view of Nassau in winter.

University Avenue, Toronto

15 Dec 2013 21 25 460
Taken in 2013 on University Avenue in Toronto. The bust is of Mary Pickford, who was born on this block. Pickford's first movie was Her First Biscuits . More about her here:
01 Feb 2017 17 18 353
The weather in Toronto's been crummy again this week, so here's some snow from a couple of years ago. I don't think I've posted this before, though.

Happy Fence Friday

14 Jan 2016 15 17 430
I have no new snow shots so here's an old one.

I hear a symphony

Happy Fence Friday

28 Feb 2019 19 44 454
It's still Thursday throughout Canada, but in a mere 20 minutes it'll be Friday in Newfoundland and Labrador, so I'm not jumping the gun by much.


01 Mar 2019 8 10 376
Yesterday rdhinmn (aka Bob) posted a photo that reminded me of a view about a block away from my place. The view near me is on the way to the subway, so I took some shots of it on the way there today. Bob's view is here:

Happy Fence Friday

08 Nov 2019 11 22 295
University Hospital, London, Ontario. The plaque honours Dr. Stan Kogon, who, among other things, was a member of the team that concluded that the belief that Robert the Bruce had leprosy was unjustified.

46 items in total