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Kharn-Ka Your Choice - World Winner 2016 (not my cat)
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Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:2304 x 1536 pixels
Modified on:2016:11:01 09:22:37
Software:Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Aboutuuid:332b54bd-a00c-11e6-a02d-9 5ec5568edeb
ArtistFinn Frode Hansen, Denmark
Color SpaceUncalibrated
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
CreatorFinn Frode Hansen, Denmark
DescriptionScreen caps from Live streaming of the FIFé World Cat Show by
Image DescriptionScreen caps from Live streaming of the FIFé World Cat Show by
Image Size2304x1536
Resolution Unitinches
Thumbnail Offset448
TitleWW16 SC Kharn-Ka Your Choice, JW,DVM (Somali)
XMP ToolkitXMP toolkit 2.8.2-33, framework 1.5