lost, not found


lost, not found

19 Nov 2012 2 179
"Wo ist denn wieder meine Brille ? Hast Du sie nicht gesehen ? Warum verlegt die sich denn immer ?" (RIMG13337-zus-liceq-dreh)


30 Sep 2015 3 1 192
HD-IP-IMG 2752-fülli-sätt-kontr

No trespassing !

23 Sep 2015 272
HD-IP-IMG 3222-zus-liqec-erwfa-rau-scha

Ich liebe diese Welt / I love this world

19 Feb 2016 1 1 293
Lutz sagt "Ich liebe diese Welt". Eine mutige Aussage, in diesen Tagen, in dieser Welt. Wie er das wohl gemeint hat ? Als ein fanatischer Anhänger der Sight&Sound-Bewegung versuche ich natürlich, die passende Musik dazu zu finden. Vielleicht so tiefgründig/naiv wie Lois Armstrong what a wonderful world Oder so exotisch/anschaulich wie der dicke Hawaianer Und damit die Liebe nicht blind bleibt, empfiehlt sich mit "Guru" ein kritischer Blick in die dunklen Ecken living in this world & living-in-this-world-lyrics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lutz said "I love this world" An ambitious statement, in these days, in this world. What did he mean ? As i'm a fanatic follower of the Sight&Sound movement, i'm trying to find some musical matches. Perhaps naiv/deep thoughts like Lois Armstrong what a wonderful world Or exotic like the heavy hawaian Anyway, love shouldn't stay blind, so take a close look to the dark corners , just like "Guru" living in this world & living-in-this-world-lyrics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHD-IP-IMG 5261-objkorr-zus-kont-lebklar

a kinda' smiling

24 Feb 2016 3 2 334
FHD-IP-IMG 5297-zus-fülli-kontrmax


09 Mar 2016 260
FHD-IP-IMG 5604-sw-belimin-fülli-kontr-klarmax-scharfmax-vignplus


03 May 2016 144
FHD-IP-IMG 6505-liceq

The intrepid Cat

03 May 2016 1 1 182
ex4k-IMG 6569

Gullydeckel im Morgenlicht an rauem Asphalt

10 Sep 2016 10 3 326
FHD-IP-IMG 7790-sw-swerw-kontr-scha

Shadow on the wall

18 Sep 2016 5 4 235
... and for the Lovers of Sight&Sound this time nothing extra-ordinary, just a solid peace of good old Mainstream : Roger Chapman & The Shortlist - Shadow on the Wall FHD-IP-5D3 6544-objkorr-sw-belimin-fülli-kontr-liceq-schamax

the one that got away

18 Sep 2016 5 2 221
... I've lost my equilibrium my car keys and my pride The tattoo parlor's warm And so I hustle there inside ... Tom Waits - The one that got away ---------------------------------------- FHD-IP-IMG 8097-objkorr-sätt

Django was here !

11 Oct 2016 3 2 268
. Modern Jazz Quartet - Django ------------------------------- FHD-IP-IMG 8161-liceq

i send you an angel for a definetely HAPPY kind of…

06 Dec 2016 12 8 283
... ... Madison Avenue's claim to fame in a trainer bra with eyes like rain She rubs against the weatherbeaten frame and asks the angel for his name Off in the distance the marble dome reflects across the flatlands with a naked feel off into parts unknown The woman strokes his polished chrome and lies beside the angel's bones Bruce Springsteen - The Angel -------------------------------------------------- FHD-IP-IMG 8599-zus-wb-liceq-erwfa

working class heroe

06 Apr 2017 2 146
FHD-IP-IMG 9133-zus-liceq

Held der Arbeit

06 Apr 2017 162
FHD-IP-IMG 9135-zus-dehaz-liceq

Bye bye 2017 (with vegetarian fireworks)

03 Nov 2017 8 4 294
Have a nice Party, where ever you are. And take care ... And a big THANK YOU to our friends in IMA www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4689202 , who made this possible !!! --------------------------------------------------------------- IMG 8165-beli-fülli-kontr-liceq-fotoeff-ed-negativ


21 Mar 2018 4 3 247
Jon Hassell - Amsterdam Blue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHD-IP-5D3_8990-sw-objkorr-dreh-persp-kontr-fülli-scharmax-teilton

silver moon

09 Feb 2019 5 5 306
David sings "Baby, I can tell you there's no easy way out Lost inside of dreams that guide you on Baby, I can tell you there's no easy way out Soon the guiding moonlight will be gone" David Sylvian - Silver Moon -------------------------------------------------------------------- FHD-IP-5D3 0146-sw-kontrmax-fülli-liceq-scharmax

27 items in total