Pink lotus


13 Dec 2008

9 favorites


508 visits

Pink lotus

AThailand 089

12 Jan 2011

305 visits

Dumb enough to be bird food

This tiny lizard would be completely camouflaged if he had chosen to rest upon the green foliage instead of the white flower bract. AIMG_0794

09 Jan 2011

1 favorite


283 visits


Bougainvilla at Monterey del Mar, Costa Rica. Bouganvilleas were named after the famous French explorer, Admiral Louis de Bougainville, who "discovered" them in 1768 when he and his crew became the first Frenchmen to circumnavigate the globe. Thepink "blooms" are not true flowers, but instead are papery bracts that encircle the small, white, tubular flower. AIMG_0321

06 Jan 2011

276 visits

Red Ginger Lily

Red ginger lily at Cano Negro Natural Lodge, Costa Rica AIMG_0048

06 Jan 2011

1 comment

311 visits

Red beauty

Hibiscus at Cano Negro Natural Lodge in Costa Rica AIMG_0009

06 Jan 2011

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1 comment

322 visits

Mimosa flames

Mimosa at Cano Negro Natural Lodge in Costa Rica. They reminded me of fiber optic cables. AIMG_0012

28 May 2011

284 visits

Rhododendron Heaven

Gleaner Gardens, North Scituate, Rhode Island is a private garden featuring over 100 species of rhododendron and azaleas. Its owners kindly open it to the public on occasion so that they can marvel in its beauty. AIMG_1372

28 May 2011

249 visits

Head plant

A bee does a head plant while gathering pollen. Gleaner Gardens, North Scituate, Rhode Island is a private garden featuring over 100 species of rhododendron and azaleas. Its owners kindly open it to the public on occasion so that they can marvel in its beauty. AIMG_1371

28 May 2011

1 comment

317 visits

Delicate flower

Gleaner Gardens, North Scituate, Rhode Island is a private garden featuring over 100 species of rhododendron and azaleas. Its owners kindly open it to the public on occasion so that they can marvel in its beauty. AIMG_1365
483 items in total