Out of the blue

New England

21 Sep 2008

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265 visits

Out of the blue

Trinity Church, Boston as reflected in the John Hancock Tower AJimmy Fund Walk 026

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18 Jun 2008

216 visits

Now that's a light fixture!

This wonderful chandelier hangs in the State House, Montpelier, Vermont AMontreal.08 012

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18 Jun 2008

1 favorite

306 visits

Gold and grey

The State House in Montpelier, Vermont stands out against the grey sky. AMontreal.08 003

18 Jun 2008

243 visits

Vermont State House interior

This is a photograph of Representatives' Hall in the Vermont State House in Montpelier, Vermont AMontreal.08 011

24 Oct 2009

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267 visits

Victorian Beauty

This Victorian home in New England stands out amid the fall foliage. AIMG_4186

28 Apr 2009

271 visits

Happy Thanksgiving!

These two wild turkeys are in no danger of ending up on the Thanksgiving table. They have left the woods for suburbia where they feed on on bugs, vegetation and crackers or other handouts, which they relish. Although usually well-behaved with people, they frequently fight among themselves and have been know to attack cars whose hubcaps are too reflective for their tastes. They wander thoughout the neighborhood as if they own it. At night, they roost in trees. During mating season, they are extremely loud. The males strut around and the females act disinterested. AIMG_3916 (Spring 2009)

11 Jan 2010

228 visits

Logan International Terminal

Logan Airport, Boston, MA. The hour is far too early in the morning and the terminal is practically empty. ODT: Lines AIMG_4275

19 Mar 2010

227 visits

All aglow

A female turkey plays it coy when the Tom turkey is around. AIMG_0780

19 Mar 2010

195 visits

Strutting his stuff

A Tom turkey is showing off for a nearby femaie. He gobbles continuously starting at dawn and pounds his wing feathers on the ground to get the female turkey's attention. He is practically oblivous to anything else including nearby photographers. AIMG_0785
392 items in total