Peter Gabriel
Derniers feux / The last sun light
Derniers rayons du soleil sur les blés coupés de la Beauce
Last sun rays on the cut wheat
Fred will like it :)
HANWE my friends !
- PiPs & BoB ( Best on Blackground ) -
Out of woman come the man
La femme engendre l'homme
Spend the rest of his life gettin back where he can
Qui passera le reste de sa vie à retourner là où il le peut
As a bow, so a dove
Comme un arc, elle est une colombe
As below, so above
Il est si bas, elle est si haut
From the black hole
Du trou noir
Come the tadpole
Surgit un têtard
With the dark soul
Avec l'âme sombre
In coal she burn, she burn
Elle se consume dans le charbon, elle se consume
When the Peter concert I attended (in the 80s) was due to start, a power cut intruded. Without hesitation he simply played and sang this beautiful song on the acoustic piano. How could I forget such a moment?
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