Les anciennes / Old timers


Les anciennes / Old timers

04 Aug 2018 41 21 408
Trompe-l'oeil, capté à Bastia, Corse / seized at Bastia, Corsica Corse, pays de traditions familiales... Corsica, land of family traditions 114508836 www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmnFAzzDt9M

Divins ciels corses

09 Aug 2018 31 16 373
Site archéologique d'Aléria, + Ctrl/Z Divine Corsican skies (ctrl/z)... Archaeological site of Aléria - that I'll show you later .............................................. Ipernity a besoin d'un trésorier, cliquez ici ............... .............................................. Ipernity needs a treasurer, please click here ............ Waking World - Youn Sun Nah, chanteuse inspirée de jazz sud-coréenne / inspired South Korean jazz singer. www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPwfVrhXK-I If it were a dream I'd surely See your face and be relieved No need to hide from being Our true selves I know this bond will be broken In the day with my eyes wide open In this waking world If it were a dream I'd surely Walk out hand in hand with you No need to run away From anything I know this bond will be broken In the day with my eyes wide open In this waking world In this waking world In this waking world

Paysages corses

11 Aug 2018 27 22 308
2018 + PiPs + "Z" Bon week-end à vous mes cher.e.s ami.e.s ! Grand merci pour votre visite. A walk through the Corsican countryside - Aug. 2018 A nice weekend to you, dear friends ! ... and "Get Happy - on the other side"...! Sight and Sound: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrWJ8oaCKfU Tierney Sutton - Get Happy (Version 2)