
2011 Photography Calendars & New Year Projects

13 May 2010

411 visits


2011 Photography Calendar / National Police Week 2010 Images by Elvert Barnes Visit Lulu at http://www.lulu.com/product/calendar/2011-photography-calendar-2010-national-police-week/14000325 Read 3 December 2010 Elvert Barnes FREEDOM blog posting http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2010/12/my-2011-photography-calendar-featuring.html Photo Details; 2010 National Police Week . 22nd Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . Judiciary Square . 400 block of E Street, NW, Washington DC . Thursday evening, 13 May 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit my 22nd Candlelight Vigil webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/22ndCandlelightVigil2010.html Original photo at https://www.test.ipernity.com/doc/elvertbarnes/9310941

20 Mar 2010

403 visits


Cover for 2011 Photography Calendar featuring 5th Annual National Marathon 2010 Images by Elvert Barnes To preview calendar at Elvert Barnes Storefront at Lulu visit http://www.lulu.com/product/calendar/2011-photography-calender-2010-suntrust-national-marathon/14251817 Read Elvert Barnes FREEDOM blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2010/12/my-2011-photography-calendar-of-images.html Photo Details: 5th Annual SunTrust National Marathon . Maine Avenue at 7th Street, SW, Washington DC . Saturday morning, 20 March 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit SunTrust National Marathon at www.nationalmarathon.com Visit my 5th Annual SunTrust National Marathon 2010 webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/5thNationalMarathon2010

02 Apr 2010

418 visits


Cover for 2011 Photography Calendar of images from the April 2010 2nd Annual Crystal City 5K Friday Run Series Available from Lulu preview calendar at http://www.lulu.com/product/calendar/2011-photography-calendar-2010-crystal-city-5k-friday-runs/14029740 Read Elvert Barnes FREEDOM blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2010/12/my-2011-photography-calendar-featuring_06.html Photo Details: The Race . Crystal City Green Scene 5K Friday Run . Crystal Drive near 21st Street . Arlington VA . Friday evening, 2 April 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography http://www.crystalrun5kfridays.com Visit my 2 April 2010 Crystal City 5K Friday Run webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/CrystalCity-5KRun-2April2010.html

25 Mar 2010

557 visits


Cover for 2011 Photography Calendar by Elvert Barnes featuring images from the 2010 National Cherry Blossom Festival Preview calendar from Elvert Barnes Storefront at Lulu at http://www.lulu.com/product/calendar/2011-photography-calendar-2010-national-cherry-blossom-festival/14250583 Read Elvert Barnes FREEDOM blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2010/12/my-2011-photography-calendar-2010.html Photo Details: 2010 National Cherry Blossom Festival / DC Public and Charter Schools "Student Community Cherry Blossom Art Show" . Union Station . 50 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Washington DC . Thursday afternoon, 25 March 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Read my blog posting of the exhibit at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2010/03/dc-students-2010-cherry-blossom-poster.html Visit my 2010 National Cherry Blossom Festival / WDC docu-project and webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/2010NationalCherryBlossomFestival.html