
Lambda Rising Bookstore / DC - 1625 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington DC

03 Aug 2008

650 visits


Windows / Dupont Circle North . Lambda Rising Bookstore / DC . http://www.lambdarising.com . 1625 Connecticut Avenue between Q and R Streets, NW, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 3 August 2008 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

27 Dec 2009

637 visits


Windows / Dupont Circle North . Lambda Rising Bookstore / DC . http://www.lambdarising.com . 1625 Connecticut Avenue between Q and R Streets, NW, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 27 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography S is for Sexy (2008 Directed by Michaline Babich, Jason Bushman. With Jonathan Blanc, Jason Bushman, Richard Courtney http://www.amazon.com/S-Sexy-Jonathan-Blanc/dp/tags-on-product/B0015XHR52 Read blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/lamda-risings-final-window-display.html

27 Dec 2009

603 visits


Windows / Dupont Circle North . Lambda Rising Bookstore / DC . http://www.lambdarising.com . 1625 Connecticut Avenue between Q and R Streets, NW, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 27 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Mango Kiss (2004) Directed by Sascha Rice. With Danièle Ferraro, Michelle Wolff, Sally Kirkland http://www.mangokiss.com Read blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/lamda-risings-final-window-display.html

27 Dec 2009

599 visits


Windows / Dupont Circle North . Lambda Rising Bookstore / DC . http://www.lambdarising.com . 1625 Connecticut Avenue between Q and R Streets, NW, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 27 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Read blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/lamda-risings-final-window-display.html

27 Dec 2009

591 visits


Windows / Dupont Circle North . Lambda Rising Bookstore / DC . http://www.lambdarising.com . 1625 Connecticut Avenue between Q and R Streets, NW, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 27 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Read blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/lamda-risings-final-window-display.html

27 Dec 2009

594 visits


Windows / Dupont Circle North . Lambda Rising Bookstore / DC . http://www.lambdarising.com . 1625 Connecticut Avenue between Q and R Streets, NW, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 27 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Read blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/lamda-risings-final-window-display.html

27 Dec 2009

848 visits


Windows / Dupont Circle North . Lambda Rising Bookstore / DC . http://www.lambdarising.com . 1625 Connecticut Avenue between Q and R Streets, NW, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 27 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Read blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/lamda-risings-final-window-display.html

27 Dec 2009

657 visits


Windows / Dupont Circle North . Lambda Rising Bookstore / DC . http://www.lambdarising.com . 1625 Connecticut Avenue between Q and R Streets, NW, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 27 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Read blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/lamda-risings-final-window-display.html

27 Dec 2009

1 favorite

717 visits


Windows / Dupont Circle North . Lambda Rising Bookstore / DC . http://www.lambdarising.com . 1625 Connecticut Avenue between Q and R Streets, NW, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 27 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Object of Desire: A Novel William J. Mann http://www.williamjmann.com Read blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/lamda-risings-final-window-display.html
15 items in total