Ed Letts' photos
I want that fish!
I've lived on the lake for 22 years and there are several eagle nests nearby. I see them all the time but never was able to get a good shot.Today I looked out my window and saw these two on the ice. One had a fish and didn't want to share with the other.
Manatee Lagoon
It's pretty cold in Florida right now and there is a power station where the water used to cool the station comes out and attracts fish and manatees trying to keep warm.
Rip Current Collision
Meet Bear
About a month after Greg passed and many discussions about if we wanted another cat as has usually been the case another one found us. After hearing his story we decided to rescue Bear. He's beginning to settle in to his new home and his personality is starting to show. I'm sure there will be more photos coming.
Cattus Island County Park
Cattus Island County Park
Take a seat and enjoy the view
A quiet place
Horseshoe falls from the Canadian tower
American falls from the Canadian tower
American falls from the Canadian side
Niagara Falls - American falls
Canadian Side
Niagara Falls lights at night
Niagara Falls - Fireworks
Canadian Skyline
Niagara Falls - American Falls