Mahlknecht panorama

Dolomite Alps, Südtirol, Italy

Photos taken during a walking holiday in the Italian Dolomite Alps, Südtirol, June-July 2007.

Mahlknecht panorama

10 Jul 2007 2 2 143
View from Plattkofel eastwards towards Mahlknecht, the Roßzähne ridge and Schlern. Panoramic stich-together from two originals. Best viewed large.

Schlern panorama

09 Jul 2007 1 118
View NE from the Proßliner Hütte. Schlern east face on the left side. Panoramic stitch-together from three originals. Best viewed large.

Geisler Odles mountains from Floralpina

06 Jul 2007 1 122
Such an exciting skyline!

Mahlknecht and Roßzähne ridge 2

05 Jul 2007 1 120
View westwards from the slab of Plattkofel.

Mahlknecht and Roßzähne ridge 1

05 Jul 2007 116
View westwards from the slab of Plattkofel.

View SE from Plattkofel

05 Jul 2007 2 168
Halfway up the slab of Plattkofel, we were beset by short-lived snow showers, with sunshine in between. The high mountains (Marmolada group) to the south-east are caught in sunlight. There are small glaciers up there.

Eures de Fascia

05 Jul 2007 1 112
This is the ridge connecting Plattkofel with the eastern end of the Schlern high plateau. I was struck by the triangular shapes made by the cone-shaped debris fans and the steep gulleys. The purplish rocks are lavas and tuffs (I think), which underlie the main dolomite sequence. The view is southwards from the track to the Zallinger Hütte.

Plattkofel NE face

05 Jul 2007 132
Beginning to look quite formidable as viewed from the meadows near the Williams Hütte.

Langkofel 2

04 Jul 2007 166
Langkofel viewed from the Seiser Alm meadows near Sautaria.

Who d'you think you're looking at ?

04 Jul 2007 109
Despite their business-like looking horns, the cows are very friendly and docile really.... Mind you, if I had to wear a gert bell round me neck which jangled incessently with every mouthful of grass I took, it would drive me bonkers. This one was in a nice meadow near Sautaria. Langkofel and Plattkofel in the background.

A pastoral scene in the Dolomites

04 Jul 2007 103
Despite their business-like looking horns, the cows are very friendly and docile really.... Mind you, if I had to wear a gert bell round me neck which jangled incessently with every mouthful of grass I took, it would drive me bonkers. This one was in a nice meadow near Sautaria. Langkofel and Plattkofel in the background.

Langkofel 1

04 Jul 2007 105
Langkofel viewed from the Seiser Alm meadows near Sautaria.

Langkofel and Plattkofel

04 Jul 2007 167
Viewed from the Seiser Alm meadows near Sautaria. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Compatsch meadow towards Bulla Puffels

04 Jul 2007 107
Taken from the footpath just east of Compatsch, loking northwards towards Bulla Pufels. Best viewed large to see the richness of the wild flowers - carpets and carpets of them.

Compatsch Knapweed

Compatsch from Schlern - break in the clouds

03 Jul 2007 99
View NNE from the NE flank of the Schlern high plateau, looking over the Seiser Alm, Compatsch and, in the distance, the Geisler Odles group.

Descent from Schlern 2

03 Jul 2007 108
Descending the north-east facing flank of the Schlern high plateau, bound for Compatsch. The path is very clear and well-maintained, so there is no difficulty in route-finding, even in mist.

Descent from Schlern

03 Jul 2007 162
The flattish (!) area on the right of the photo is the Schlern Hochfläche, a broad, undulating, high-level plateau generally 2300 - 2400 m in altitude and narrowing to the east towards the Roßzähne ridge in the centre distance. Its north-east flank is steep and high above the Seiser Alm meadows. The footpath off decends into the mist-filled valley in the centre of the photo. To the left of centre, the distant slab of Plattkofel is momentarily lit by sunshine. The view is towards the east.

50 items in total