Gathering 2015 - ABQ

Folder: on the road
15 Jul 2015 7 2 430
10-week project - textures - week four: rough It's monsoon season, which apparently means every afternoon it rains for like ten minutes; the rest of the day, the mud bakes in the sun. :)
15 Jul 2015 1 170
Acoma Pueblo, perched on top of a 367ft-high mesa.
15 Jul 2015 168
Acoma Pueblo, perched on top of a 367ft-high mesa. The rain followed us up the mountain, and then stopped not long after we got to the top.
15 Jul 2015 185
Ravens flying around off the edge of the mesa.
15 Jul 2015 11 15 485
TSC: white balance Changing the white balance to "shade" gives everything an almost golden-hour glow in the middle of the afternoon, and makes the storm look even stormier. :) Acoma pueblo, standing at the edge of the mesa looking out across the desert.
15 Jul 2015 1 1 166
A row of colorful outhouses perched way too close to the edge of the mesa. There's no electricity or running water in the Sky City.
16 Jul 2015 160
Riding the cable car up to Sandia Peak.

20 items in total