
Folder: flora and fauna
27 Oct 2020 1 69
Introducing Ghost. :) A few days earlier, she was just a shadow and a vague flash of fur; reasonably certain it was a cat, I picked up some cat food and set it out in case she came back. The next morning it was untouched, but a couple of days later - the first cold day of the season - I heard her meowing, and when I opened the door she poked her head out from behind the trashcans; I brought her some breakfast, and then later I brought her some dinner. By the second meal she let me get close enough to watch her eat, and by the next day she'd discovered the Joy of Pettings. <3 <3
30 Oct 2020 2 74
Just a few days after making first contact, Ghost (taking advantage of Sophie's absence) decided to be brave and explore the inside of the house. <3 Pretty sure it was her first time indoors... The first visit was relatively short, and she mostly stayed pretty close while I gave her the tour; a few hours later she returned, and this time she made herself at home, exploring under furniture and jumping up onto windowsills, checking out Sophie's toys... A tweeting bird drew her attention to the screen, and she hopped up on my sewing table, made herself comfortable on the half-finished haloween costume I was working on, and settled in to watch/nap through the rest of the show... :) (she moved in permanently a few days later <3 )
04 Nov 2020 1 60
This time, Ghost spent the entire night indoors (mostly in my bed), and came back in for more nap- and play-time after a quick patrol of the backyard. :D
07 Nov 2020 61
"That's *my* tail, now!" :D
08 Nov 2020 55
One week ago, Ghost was still a dusty desert outdoor cat, and Sophie was trying *really* hard to remember not to run up to her and bark in her face every time she appeared from behind the trash bins....! Now she spends most of her time indoors, her coat is shiny and black, and she and Sophie spend most of their time napping and playing together. :D
20 Nov 2020 78
Having pulled some of the staples out of her leg, Ghost earned herself a fabulous new hat. :)
04 Mar 2021 54
First big quilt, finally finished! :D I couldn't find any extra-wide flannel that I liked (or that even vaguely matched), and so I went in the entirely opposite direction and made the quilt reversible. Had a lot of fun improvising the back; I may just keep this side up for a bit. :)
27 Mar 2021 1 1 62
Ghost, after Sophie was at school all morning. <3
21 May 2021 52
Sometimes I think my cat thinks she's a bird... :)
21 May 2021 53
Ghost stalking birds in the big mesquite...

30 items in total