Perseids, 2019

Folder: random randomness
12 Aug 2019 111
The moon kind of interfered with the perseids-viewing party; but it was still cool to look at it through my friend's ginormous telescope. :)
12 Aug 2019 89
The moon kind of interfered with the perseids-viewing party; but it was still cool to look at it through my friend's ginormous telescope. :)
13 Aug 2019 127
The perseids-viewing party broke up a little before midnight, on account of it being a school-night; the moon was still out, and really bright, making it hard to see anything, and of course the ones we *did* see were all when my camera was pointed elsewhere, or between shots... Back home, I went out again around 2:30-ish, when the moon was going down and being less interferey, and set up in my driveway (after turning off all the outside lights). Of course, the biggest, brightest, most colorful meteor of the night went by around fifteen minutes *before* that, when I took my puppy out for pre-bed walkies... :) [starry night: bigger is better, hit 'z']
13 Aug 2019 110
Most of the meteors I saw were either just-out-of-frame, or between shots, or when I was re-positioning the tripod/my chair - the *best* one of the night was when I took my puppy out for pre-bed walkies before I even started setting up. But I did manage to capture a few... :) [starry night sky: bigger is better, hit 'Z']
13 Aug 2019 102
The brightest, most colorful meteor I managed to photograph; definitely in the top 5 of the ones I saw all night. :) (close-up crop in the notes) [starry night. bigger is better, hit 'Z']
13 Aug 2019 100
Once the moon set, I started seeing more of the smaller/fainter ones... [bigger is better, hit 'z']
13 Aug 2019 94
Once the moon set, I started seeing more of the smaller/fainter ones... [bigger is better, hit 'z']
13 Aug 2019 1 100
Once the sun started coming up, I figured the show would be over, and started packing everything up... Of course, the second I switched my camera off one last bright meteor went by, starting just about in the center of the frame and flying off to the lower-right corner. One minute earlier... >.< [starry early-morning sky: bigger is better, hit 'Z']