

Folder: Under Construction


21 Mar 2018 1 181
virtual-painting my new house.... :D


21 Mar 2018 1 170
virtual-painting my new house.... :D


21 Mar 2018 2 237
virtual-painting my new house.... :D (think i'm liking this best so far...)
18 Apr 2018 1 229
Plans for my new studio. :D (now, i just need to decide on colors and flooring...) UPDATE: it's taken a lot longer than planned, but i'm finally nearly done with the studio! so many changes since the original sketch - one of the first things I did was remove that door on the left and turn it into a wall; after months of staring at those awkward closets trying to figure out the best way to use the space I finally just knocked them down... :) Still tweaking the final layout, will post new photos and sketches soon...
23 Apr 2018 1 159
I have trees! :D There are several of these lovely trees dripping with purple flowers at the back of the house; anyone know what they are?
24 Apr 2018 4 179
It's beginning to look a lot like a kitchen!~ Day 2 in my new house; prepping a late dinner, as I test out the new stove and some new cookware. :)
24 Apr 2018 172
Day 2 in my new house, and it's beginning to look a lot like a kitchen....~ Packing for my first trip out to my new house was tricky; I knew I wanted to stick with the essentials, but what *were* the essentials? Ultimately, I ended up with one suitcase filled with power tools, and one filled with pottery (with random clothes used as padding/filler, and a backpack and cargo-pants-pockets filled with books). :D
25 Apr 2018 1 191
There were many reasons to remove the pet door on my new house: i don't currently have any pets, and when I *have* had pets they've always been indoor creatures; it was old, and not especially secure, and half falling apart; i want to eventually build a bookshelf partition/room-screen type thing right where the pet door was to create a little office space in the corner of a larger room, so if I *did* someday want to put in a pet door i'd need it to be somewhere else. But the best reason to remove the pet door and seal up the hole in the wall? When I took the pet door apart, the whole space was *filled* *with* *spiders*!!! O.o [i'm not sure "better" is the right word to use here, but hit 'Z' for bigger spiders...]

108 items in total