tea time

Folder: random randomness
16 May 2015 16 23 448
TSC: front page news The TARDIS doesn't always take the Doctor where he wants to go; sometimes she sends him where he needs to be. And he really needed that cup of tea... In other news, those were seriously good biscotti. [hit Z for the rest of the story...]
01 Jun 2017 136
Work in progress. I've been obssessively making these little jars all week... :)
01 Jun 2017 1 191
I don't know very much about the art of reading tea-leaves, but I'm pretty sure these were saying "there is a seriously awesome cup of tea in your immediate future"... :) (1st flush darjeeling, Giddapahar Estate)
20 Jun 2017 128
Yunnan mini-tuocha. The mix included several different shape/wrapper combos.
20 Jun 2017 142
Yunnan mini-tuocha, unwrapped.

66 items in total