2014-10-29 09.44.14

Bellburn Lane Field

29 Oct 2014

113 visits

2014-10-29 09.44.14

another angle from Hartington Way

29 Oct 2014

137 visits

2014-10-29 09.44.18

Looking up the field from Hartington Way

29 Oct 2014

128 visits

2014-10-29 09.44.21

excuse the dog poo bin! There are three of these on the field, and one rubbish bin.

29 Oct 2014

110 visits

2014-10-29 09.45.00

Looking towards the back of RMPI (formerly Stooperdale) Offices

29 Oct 2014

118 visits

2014-10-29 09.45.15

from the field towards Hartington Way

29 Oct 2014

108 visits

2014-10-29 09.46.03

Towards the back of Honeywood Gardens (and showing the two edges of the ditch)

29 Oct 2014

94 visits

2014-10-29 09.48.01

part of the ditch which runs on two sides of the field.

29 Oct 2014

103 visits

2014-10-29 09.51.30

Looking towards Bellburn Lane - the other way

29 Oct 2014

91 visits

2014-10-29 09.52.01

Looking towards one of the cul-de-sacs, Ivywood Court
19 items in total