There's Etna!

Sicily 2017

There's Etna!

10 Jun 2017 1 109
Coming in to land at Catania Airport

Our hotel, formerly a Franciscan convent

11 Jun 2017 2 112

Nicolosi, gateway to Parco dell'Etna

11 Jun 2017 95
Where we bought a sandwich for our picnic on Etna

A chuch submerged in lava

11 Jun 2017 120
(Blurry photo taken from the bus)

A ruined house and an occupied house

Tuff sculpture

11 Jun 2017 148
and a shrine

Etna Excursion Centre

11 Jun 2017 110
Where you can get on the cable-car, hire bikes or drink.

Mother-in-law's Pillow

11 Jun 2017 110
Sicilian Milkvetch, Astragalus siculus . Looks soft and comfortable, but is actually very spiny. Joke!


11 Jun 2017 114
Valued by the Romans: to be munched (cf 'ruminate') for its semi-succulent leaves.

Yellow Asphodel

11 Jun 2017 128
Asphodeline lutea

Rifugio Santa Barbara

11 Jun 2017 128
A mountain refuge. There are 2 rooms inside - one full of firewood and the other with benches and a fireplace. The 'well' on the right is actually a tank that gets filled regularly.

Ice store

11 Jun 2017 143
This is a natural 'lava tube' that has been extended over the years. Lava, being light, is a natural insulator. In the winter it would be packed with snow, and then in the spring and summer the ice would be carved out and taken into town for sale. Granita!

Ice store

11 Jun 2017 127
This is a natural 'lava tube' that has been extended over the years. Lava, being light, is a natural insulator. In the winter it would be packed with snow, and then in the spring and summer the ice would be carved out and taken into town for sale. Granita!

Recent lava colonised by Rumex plants

11 Jun 2017 134
On the far hill are 3 new lava flows.

Sicilian Soapwort

11 Jun 2017 111
Saponaria sicula growing on lava

Crateri Silvestri

11 Jun 2017 108
A recent crater with pioneer plant species and man-made decorations

Crateri Silvestri

11 Jun 2017 107
A recent crater with pioneer plant species and man-made decorations

Etna behind clouds

442 items in total