The spire, Chichester Cathedral


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24 Feb 2025

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10 visits

The spire, Chichester Cathedral

Seen from the cloister cafe

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24 Feb 2025

7 visits

Charles Marriott, Oliver Whitby, John Lake

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24 Feb 2025

8 visits

Biblical scenes and chandelier

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24 Feb 2025

8 visits

The Bradbridge Family, 1592

Here vnder lyeth the bodies of Mr William Bradbridge who was thrice Maior of this Cittie, and Alice his wife, who had vi sonnes & viii daughters, which Willm deceased 1546. & this stone was finished at ye charges of ye worshipfull Mrs Alice Barnham widow one of ye daughters of ye said Wm Bradbridge, & wife of the worshipfull Mr Francis Barnham decased shrive & Aldrman of London in 1570. FYNYSHED IN IVLY 1592

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24 Feb 2025

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"Measuring 14ft by 32ft and painted on oak planks, Lambert Barnard’s two great panels of history painting were commissioned by Bishop Robert Sherburne in the 1530s and depict two vignettes, alongside a set of portraits of English monarchs. The scenes take as their subject a history of the Cathedral in miniature, from Selsey to Chichester, and the current monarch of the age, Henry VIII, confirming the rights and royal protection of the bishopric. Its portrayal of royal authority and protection is a rare and valuable example of propaganda painting from the era and confirms its importance as among the most important Tudor ecclesiastical art anywhere in the country."

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24 Feb 2025

10 visits

Henry King

Henry King Esqr Desended from the Ancient Saxon Kings of Devonshiere: One of the Gentlemen of his Ma'sties Charles The Seconds Privy Chamber in ordinary Second Sonn of Henry now Ld Bishop of Chichester & Anne Eldest Daughter & Heire of Robart Berkeley of Boycourt in Kent Esqr who was Sonn to Sr Maurice Berkeley of the Honourable House of Bruton in the County of Somerset & a Branch of the most Noble Ld Berkeley of Berkeley castle He Marryed Joane Daughter of Henry Smith by Joane Daughter of John Weston Of Ockham in Surrey Esquire: He Left two Daughters Mary and Elizabeth: Dyed February 21 in the 46 yeare of his Age Ann Dom 1668:

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24 Feb 2025

12 visits

Lovely window

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24 Feb 2025

8 visits

The Chagall Window

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24 Feb 2025

10 visits

The Chagall Window

15 items in total