Wattle and Daub

The Weald & Downland Living Museum

Wattle and Daub

01 Sep 2020 54
Actually laths and lime mortar, probably.

Tiles or shingles?

01 Sep 2020 59
in a lovely fish-scale pattern

The Tin Church

Tiled roof

01 Sep 2020 57
Petersfield brick-drying shed

Like water off a duck's arse

Tiled roof

01 Sep 2020 59
Petersfield brick-drying shed

Like water off a duck's arse

Titchfield Market Hall, 1620


01 Sep 2020 53
Toll House.

Wicker teepees in the woods

The Downland Gridshell

The Downland Gridshell

The Downland Gridshell

Market Square

Poplar Cottage and car park

A pair of pigs

The Woodyard

01 Sep 2020 58
NOTICE - The Punishment for TAMPERING with these WORKS is TRANSPORTATION

61 items in total