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Aboutuuid:faf5bdd5-ba3d-11da-ad31-d 33d75182f1b
ArtistD Edwards
Caption WriterD Edwards
CreatorD Edwards
DescriptionMy coronary arteries perfused with radiopaque dye, showing lovely smooth vessels with no narrowing.
Image Size769x672
Last Keyword IPTCCoronary angiogram, heart, arteries, catheter, radiopaque dye, vessels, Barts, St Bartholomew's Hospital
Last Keyword XMPCoronary angiogram, heart, arteries, catheter, radiopaque dye, vessels, Barts, St Bartholomew's Hospital
SubjectCoronary angiogram, heart, arteries, catheter, radiopaque dye, vessels, Barts, St Bartholomew's Hospital
User CommentMy coronary arteries perfused with radiopaque dye, showing lovely smooth vessels with no narrowing.
XP AuthorD Edwards
XP CommentMy coronary arteries perfused with radiopaque dye, showing lovely smooth vessels with no narrowing.
XP SubjectMy coronary arteries perfused with radiopaque dye, showing lovely smooth vessels with no narrowing.
XP TitleAngiogram