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Cervical spine
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Aboutuuid:faf5bdd5-ba3d-11da-ad31-d 33d75182f1b
ArtistD Edwards
Caption WriterD Edwards
CreatorD Edwards
DescriptionOne frame of an MRI series, showing some premature dessication of intervertebral discs...No flowers, please.
Image Size450x885
Last Keyword IPTCMRI, magnetic resonance imaging, medical image, cervical spine, vertebrae, neck, bones, spinal cord, brain, Lewisham Hospital
Last Keyword XMPMRI, magnetic resonance imaging, medical image, cervical spine, vertebrae, neck, bones, spinal cord, brain, Lewisham Hospital
SubjectMRI, magnetic resonance imaging, medical image, cervical spine, vertebrae, neck, bones, spinal cord, brain, Lewisham Hospital
TitleCervical spine
User CommentOne frame of an MRI series, showing some premature dessication of intervertebral discs...No flowers, please.
XP AuthorD Edwards
XP CommentOne frame of an MRI series, showing some premature dessication of intervertebral discs...No flowers, please.
XP SubjectOne frame of an MRI series, showing some premature dessication of intervertebral discs...No flowers, please.
XP TitleCervical spine